Shane Byrnes

Shane Byrnes

Job Title and Organisation: 
Clinical Lead National Medicinal Product Catalogue, HSE 

Brief Biography : 

Shane is Clinical Lead and Chief Pharmacist for the National Medicinal Product Catalogue (NMPC) in the Health Service Executive. His work focuses on enabling integrated medicines management across the health system – to support patients, their care providers and health organisations. 

With an interest in maximising the benefits of clinical data standardisation on medication safety and patient care Shane chairs the SNOMED Ireland User Subgroup, and co-chairs the SNOMED International Drug Extension User Group.  

Prior to development of the NMPC Shane has worked as a pharmacist across community pharmacy, hospital pharmacy and delivery of medication CDSS (Clinical Decision Support Systems). 

Shane holds a BPharm from UCC, MPharm from RCSI and MSc in Digital Health from UCC exploring the role of human factors in the use of Digital Health systems at transitions of care. 

Session Title: 
National Medicinal Product Catalogue 

Session Overview (2-3 sentences): 
This talk will highlight the challenges of delivering integrated medicines management for patients across the health system. It will outline how the National Medicinal Product Catalogue (NMPC) is using data standards to support this ambition, and highlight key activities on the NMPC implementation roadmap. 

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