Niall Halliday
Job Title and Organisation:
National Chief HSCP Clinical Information Officer (HSE)
Brief Biography :
Niall’s clinical background is as a physiotherapist and prior to prior to working in healthcare Niall worked as a software engineer.
Niall’s role is to provide leadership and strategic direction for Health and Social Care Professions and in collaboration with patients and multi-professional colleagues across the organization establish the robust foundations required to ensure digital health technology enables safe, effective healthcare.
Delivering patient-centred, integrated care requires integrated data and Niall believes building the foundations to support the flow of data between healthcare professionals and out to patients is key to improving healthcare in Ireland.
Session Title:
Data as a Catalyst: Driving Innovation and Growth : Outcome of Data Literacy Survey
Session Overview (2-3 sentences):
A brief description of what your session will cover, key takeaways, and why it’s valuable to attendees.
Professional Links (Optional):
- LinkedIn: Niall Halliday
- Twitter/X: @niallhalliday