Muiris O'Connor
Job Title and Organisation:
Assistant Secretary at Department of Health
Brief Biography:
Muiris O’Connor is Assistant Secretary in the Department of Health, joining in 2015 to head up the R&D and Health Analytics Division. The establishment of this Division reflects the Department’s commitment to evidence-based approaches to policy and to the promotion of research and innovation in Irish health and social care. The responsibilities encompass All-island, EU and international engagement and policy development. Over recent years, the Division has expanded to include a Research and Innovation Unit, Health Information Policy Unit and Policy, Strategy and Integration Unit as well as key aspects of Sláintecare Implementation. He is centrally involved in the implementation of health service reforms and in the work on the Health Information Bill.
Prior to joining the Department of Health, Muiris worked in the Higher Education Authority (HEA), the Department of Education and Skills, the Conference of Religious of Ireland (CORI), the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) and the National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG).
Session Title:
‘Navigating Health Data Regulation’
Session Overview (2-3 sentences):
EU Health Data Space & Health Information Bill
Professional Links (Optional):
LinkedIn: Muiris O'Connor