Kevin Kelly

Kevin Kelly (1)

Job Title and Organisation:
Head of AI and Automation Centre of Excellence, Health Service Executive

Brief Biography (100-150 words):

Over 30 years of experience working in technology, the first half of which was spent in the private sector for SME and multinational companies before joining the HSE in 2004. After serving in various HSE ICT roles, he took up a position with HSE Health Business Services in 2015 as Digital Innovation Lead. After overseeing successful pilots of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in 2019, he established the RPA Centre of Excellence in 2020 and is currently heading up the AI and Automation Centre of Excellence within HSE Technology and Transformation.

Session Title:
Embracing the Future: From Automation to AI

Session Overview (2-3 sentences):
Covers the adoption of intelligent automation technologies to date in the HSE, and the challenges which will need to be considered by healthcare organizations in embracing artificial intelligence. 

Professional Links (Optional):