Fran Thompson

Fran Thompson

Job Title and Organisation:
Chief Information Officer HSE Technology and Transformation  

Brief Biography (100-150 words):
Fran Thompson is Chief Information Officer of the Health Service Executive (HSE) enabling the digital transformation of Ireland’s health service.

Fran has over 25 years health ICT leadership experience and has a comprehensive understanding and practical application of transformation and change management within the health sector. Before his appointment as Chief Information Officer Fran was the Programme Director for the Strategic e-Health Programme. Fran has been involved with all aspects of ICT and has played a leading role in delivering various projects and programmes including Hospital Administration and Hospital Clinical systems, Primary Care messaging solutions and Health Finance solutions.

Fran led the creation and set up of the ICT Project Management Office within the HSE and has responsibility for delivering a number of key strategic e-Health programmes including the electronic health record for the country and the Individual Health Identifier.

Session Title:
Decoding Digital for Care 2030

Session Overview (2-3 sentences):
A brief description of what your session will cover, key takeaways, and why it’s valuable to attendees.

Professional Links (Optional):