Dr Kia Heitmann

Kia Heitmann

Job Title and Organisation:
Senior Expert HL7 Europe, CEO HL7 Germany, Owner Heitmann Consulting and Services, CEO ART-DECOR Open Tools GmbH

Brief Biography:
Kai is an independent consultant for medical information technology with more than 25 years of experience in the field of communication, standardization and integration in the healthcare sector, primarily regarding the family of HL7 (Health Level Seven) standards CDA® and FHIR® and terminologies such as SNOMED-CT® and LOINC®. He is involved in application, integration and architecture projects across Europe. From 2019-2021 he acted as Director Interoperability to the temporarily founded think tank for digitalization in the healthcare sector founded by the Federal Ministry of Health in Germany. He is a senior expert at HL7 Europe and CEO of HL7 Germany and member of the expert group at the National Digital Health Agency Germany. He is co-owner and founder of the ART-DECOR® collaborative interoperability tool suite.

Session Title:
Data Standards: Fireside Chat

Session Overview (2-3 sentences):

Professional Links (Optional):