My Health@EU Team

About Us 

MyHealth@EU is a group of experienced IT professionals dedicated to the smooth exchange of bidirectional electronic health data between Ireland and our EU member state partners.    

As an integral part of Ireland’s commitment to the EU, the HSE is mandated by the Irish Government, in compliance with EU law, to establish the IE National Contact Point to support bi-directional cross-border exchange of health data with our fellow European Member State partners. This new service capability will enable digitised interoperable access to patient health data to meet the needs and requirements of healthcare professionals and citizens across the European Union. 

We work closely with our colleagues in the Irish National Shared Care Records team and the Department of Health to develop solutions to enable the exchange of quality structured coded data to allow Ireland to integrate with the health systems of member states across the European Health Data Space.  Likewise, we also work closely with our ePharmacy colleagues to support the development of pharmacy-focused digitised solutions to enable the exchange of e-prescription and e-dispensation data between Ireland and our fellow European counterparts. 

Our People 

The Irish MyHealth@EU workforce is composed of a highly motivated group of people who originate from many diverse business and industry segment backgrounds. Each person in the team is highly skilled, well-educated and experienced in the IT sector. We are also part of the National Shared Care Records team where we support and collaborate with our fellow colleagues on a regular basis to help achieve the overall goals of the NSCR.   

Our team is comprised of a diverse range of highly experienced and motivated IT professionals who bring vast experience garnered through working in both the public and private sectors. We specialise in interoperability, design, data integration, software testing, enterprise and technical architecture, process, systems and business analysis, and the development of standards to enable the exchange of healthcare data.  Our team is extensively trained and is skilled in project management methodologies (PRINCE2), HL7 FHIR, CDA, Test Harness, Cloud, Security, Coding (Java, JavaScript, Python, HTML, etc.) and Lean Six Sigma to name a few. 

Myhealth@EU Team 

MyHealth@EU Team: Above L-R: Patrick Marren, John O'Neill, Mark Casey & Duncan Falconer. 
Not showing, Sean Walsh.


MyHealth@EU - what we do:

The projects we work on enable and deliver change.   
  • We focus on providing interoperability between different EU national health systems which will improve access to healthcare for Irish citizens travelling abroad in Europe as well as for EU citizens who visit Ireland.  
  • We manage the development and operation of the Irish National Contact Point to support interoperability and the exchange of electronic health-related data.
  • We engage with the European Commission, DG Sante and our fellow European partners to collaborate in the design and development of the European Cross Border Service. 
  • We participate in two testing events each year which entails the transfer of bidirectional electronic test data with our designated testing member state partners. 
  • We are an active member of various EU eHMSEG workgroup communities which are convened to further the development and delivery of electronic healthcare quality services across the EU. 
  • At a national level, we are subject matter experts in interoperability and assist in the development of Ireland's national shared care record system solution.
  • We also collaborate with our ePharmacy colleagues to support the design of a National ePrescription Service.  Additionally, we are involved in supporting the design and development of a new National Medicinal Product Catalogue.  
  • In the Irish health data space realm, we collaborate with the HSE design team to support the development of the new HSE App.  

Projects we are involved in include:

  • MyHealth@EU
  • Electronic Health Record (EHR)
  • ePrescription and eDispensation (ePS)
  • National Medicinal Product Catalogue
  • Laboratory Results
  • Hospital Discharge Reports
  • Medical Image Studies
  • Original Clinical Documents
  • Potential (EU digital wallet)
  • PATHeD (Path to my Health)
  • HSE App

Partnerships and Consortiums

  • xShare
  • Xt-EHR
  • PATHeD
  • IPS
  • IHE

Expert Groups

A representative from our MyHealth@EU team co-chairs the European Technology and Transformation eHDSI Requirements Work Group.

Contact Us

To contact MyHealth@EU email the service at:

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