Health Performance Visualisation Platform
The Health Performance Visualisation Platform (HPVP) Programme has been introduced by the HSE to address a gap in the centralised information available to support strategic and operational performance monitoring across acute hospitals.
It is being implemented firstly across 28 acute public hospitals in Ireland. Its next phase will see it expanded to all 50 acute hospitals.
The purpose of the platform is to introduce a new automated approach to acute hospital information management, which produces timely, meaningful insights and reports necessary to support hospitals in routine decision making at strategic and operational level and facilitating improvement planning.
Objectives of the Programme
- To improve patient access outcomes and hospital operational efficiencies, by using data extracted from existing hospitals systems to deliver insights and direct patient level actions across the 5 acute flow domains illustrated below.
- To provide key information to accurately identify what is causing performance problems and how best to tackle them and measure the impact of interventions.
Implementation Approach
In November 2020, a contract was signed by the HSE to provision the Health Performance Visualisation Platform, with 28 acute public hospitals in phase one over a two-year period. In phase two the platform will be provided to all 50 acute public hospitals over a period of five years.
Benefits of the Platform
At the most basic level, the HPVP programme provides hospitals with access to a leading-edge data management and visualisation system, with analytics designed to support quality improvement at clinical team, hospital, group and national network levels.
At a more advanced level, participation in the HPVP programme provides hospitals with the automated management of a large part of the core access, activity, productivity and capacity and demand analysis that is required to support planning and performance improvement. This enables local information analytical capacity and capability to focus on extending programmes in innovation, research and development and academic developments.
Customisable and Interactive
The platform provides a User with the ability to add specific charts and metrics to their own customized view, so that they can focus on what is important information for them in their role. The capability also exists to create alerts on key metrics, where the User is notified of a change. Users can setup targets and monitor progress towards those, for example as part of quality improvement projects in a Hospital. Finally, Users can collaborate and communicate within the platform, sharing analytics and visualisations of mutual interest.
The information provided within the HPVP platform is outlined for the following domains:
- The HPVP platform provides a comprehensive suite of outpatient analytics, showing patient-level data at clinic, doctor, specialty, site and group level including:
- Unprioritised referrals.
- New and review appointment rates and ratios.
- Outpatient waiting list auditors.
- Waiting list positions.
- Future bookings of appointments by type, category and waiting status.
- High frequency review patients.
- Outpatient waiting times.
- Outpatient clinic throughput, new and review ratios.
- Outpatient clinic outcomes including DNAs, cancellations review appointment generation, conversions to elective surgery and discharges
The HPVP platform provides a comprehensive suite of analytics relating to surgery showing patient-level data at operating room, doctor, specialty, site and group level including:
- Waiting list positions.
- Waiting list dynamics including additions and removals from the waiting list.
- Surgery waiting times.
- Theatre utilisation (although SystemView enables users to drill to session level information and set up active monitoring for suboptimal performance).
- Theatre effectiveness including Day of Surgery (DoS) cancellations late starts, early finishes and late finishes.
- Analyses of procedure times
The platform provides surgery waiting list demand and capacity analysis at a doctor and category level which is critical to support Sláintecare Waiting List targets.
Emergency Department
The HPVP platform provides a comprehensive suite of analytics relating to emergency department flow updated at high frequency intervals showing patient-level data at treatment area, site and group level including:
- PET% and patient length of stay analyses by admitted and discharged patients
- Current occupancy, with arrivals per hour and activity trends
- Current and trended analyses of the time patients wait in emergency departments for subspecialty reviews and for inpatient admission
The HPVP platform provides a suite of standard analytics associated with admitted patients across each hospital’s bed base including high frequency updated and trended information by ward, specialty, doctor and patient about the following.
- Current occupancy and capacity
- Current and trended length of stay information
- Current and trend information about admission and discharges by time of day and ward
The platform also contains numerous novel inpatient algorithms, including a Risk of Hospitalisation (RoH) algorithm to indicate a higher risk patient who may require special interventions.
Medical Imaging
The HPVP platform provides standard analytics associated with medical imaging to show the activity and history of all images and procedures undertaken, booked and planned across acute public hospitals.
- Medical imaging Waiting list positions, removals and additions
- Analyses of procedure times and activity
The insights gained from the HPVP programme are intended to be used to deliver the capacity and demand balance required to progress towards the Sláintecare access goals. Participation in this programme will provide operational information to support effective patient journeys through hospitals and at a strategic level will support decision making relating to balancing capacity and demand challenges. The Platform can automate the data required to facilitate the production of business cases to support these investments, ensuring that hospitals can most effectively demonstrate their requirements for investment, using data flows that are standard across the hospital network.
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Updated 31/01/23