Community HealthCare Visualisation


The Community HealthCare (CHC) Datamart Dashboard provided by IIS gives a view of both National Service Plan (NSP) Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Operational KPIs, comprising of calculations of raw performance level data collected on templates within the community care groups and other national services.

National Service Plan (NSP) is the annual agreement between the HSE and the Minister for the type and volume of health and personal social services which will be provided by the HSE within the funding allocation for the course of the year. These KPIs give an overview of the data collected from the Community Service Care Groups and other national services to aid in the monitoring of performance against set targets and in planning the services from year to year.

The Business Information Unit (NBIU) CHC extract the data to support a comprehensive integrated cross system planning function and a business information and operational performance reporting and measurement function for Community Healthcare Organisations and at national level and are the main customer of the dashboard. (Appendix 1)

The data is extracted from the IIS visualisation to create the monthly performance reports, which enable the HSE to review progress against the NSP commitments and update the Department of Health on NSP delivery.  A subset of this data is also published in the HSE Annual report.

The KPIs align each year to the NSP and are updated accordingly.

IIS Community Healthcare Visualisation Facilitates:

  • Reporting of KPIs in line with annual NSP
  • The collation of community healthcare data in the absence of an automated community health care system
  • Metric level data available for each item of data collected
  • Monitoring of data against targets/expected activity
  • Calculated KPI views at National, CHO, LHO/Team level
  • Operational KPIs available for Care Groups/Service Areas to monitor on an ongoing basis
  • Planning of services year on year

CHC IIS Visualisation Data and Outputs Data

  • Performance level data measured against set targets
  • 6,000+ metrics collected on 91 templates with 800-1,200 returned monthly
  • 600+ calculated KPIs covering 7 Care Groups and 2 service areas Nat to LHO level
  • Calculations including (+,-,/,x) (up to 200 metrics to calculate one KPI)
  • 2.5m rows of data (593,962 rows of KPI level data)
  • KPI calculation views compiled for each Care Group
  • Loads every 2 hours

Outputs from IIS Visualisation

  • Management Data Report charts
  • Enables extraction of data for ad-hoc reporting (PQs etc.)
  • Online data analysis
  • Operational reporting views
  • KPI calculation views
  • KPI Analysis
  • Automated Escalation Report
  • Waiting List therapies overview

CHC Visualisation Customers


CHC Visualisation Sample Views

Below are some examples of CHC visualisations. These views are available by CHO, care group, discipline or KPI.



The NBIU team supports the co-ordination of data pathways for all service activity data outside of a hospital setting and acts as a central repository (CIF database) for community healthcare activity data across the HSE. This includes services for Primary Care, Palliative Care, Social Inclusion, Mental Health Services, Population Health and Wellbeing, Older Persons and Disability services. The NBIU team also support the co-ordination of data pathways for National Services and National Screening Service activity data' Unlike the Acute hospital setting there are no automated transactional systems in Community services. Connectivity and timing are key between the NBIU across the seven Care Group areas in order to facilitate performance reporting of Community services data for the organisation. The NBIU therefore operates within a manual data transfer process that interacts with approx. 400 CHO, and HSE agency data collectors monthly.

Each month activity data validated and signed off by each of the 9 CHO’s is sent to the NBIU by the agreed deadline of the 10th of each month. NBIU lead data analysts submit the templates for their service area to be loaded into the Corporate Information Facility database.

Each NBIU analyst generates a suite of performance reports to drive service improvements, in line with NSP KPI’s and Operational Plan KPI’s. These include Preliminary Management Data Report, Performance Profile Report, and National Scorecard . These reports are submitted to Corporate Reporting for inclusion in the overall Performance Reports and onwards quarterly publication to the HSE website.

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 Updated 21/02/23