3. Where, What & How?


Identify where appointments will take place:

  • Consider room size, privacy, and a well-lit, uncluttered/distraction free area with limited background posters/pictures/sound sources.
  • Privacy and confidentiality is important just like a face-to-face appointment.
  • Are there power points, ports, network access, internet? (you need good internet).
  • Do not display personal material e.g. photographs.
  • Consider if you need to be mobile during the consultation (tablet/laptop on trolley).
  • On some platforms you can include a bespoke background.


To review/request VEC hardware, peripherals and equipment:


Practice is essential prior to initiating a call with a service user, building confidence using VEC.

  • Training is essential - Support & Training.
  • Undertake user training prior to initiating a video call.
  • Consider the mandatory training programmes. cyber security, and GDPR training on HSeLanD.
  • Other suggested telehealth training - Getting Started.
  • Train The Trainer Model.
  • Practice is essential - take some time to familiarise yourself with the platform and supporting technology.
  • Practice builds confidence.
  • Conduct End-to-End testing.