2. Identify Opportunities & Review Processes

Process Mapping:

  • Co-design - engage with necessary stakeholders (including patients/service users) when identifying VEC opportunities, reviewing existing processes and/or making adjustments to same. Consider doing a Stakeholder Map.
  • Map processes/workflows to identify all VEC opportunities within the service.  This is an opportunity to document and review existing processes where there may be an opportunity to gain efficiencies.  Tips on process mapping.
  • Assess scope for Video Enabled Care usage and scalability, identify an initial service area to begin.
  • Initial review of current SOPs, letters/emails taking into consideration VEC and what changes or updates need to be made.

Identify platform suitable for VEC opportunities:

Confirm VEC platform choice, apply for licences and test to ensure good connectivity.

  • Types of VEC opportunities your service will use: one to one appointments, group appointments, staff meetings, multidisciplinary team (MDT) meetings.
  • Some VEC platforms require a managed email address e.g. @hse.ie. You can apply for ‘bulk’ email set-up via the Ivanti Helpdesk.
  • Some platforms have virtual waiting rooms where you can include bespoke opening hours and bespoke messages.
  • Some services require access to more than one VEC platform.
  • What platform do I use? Click Here.
  • You can request a VEC platform demonstration to support decision making.

Suitability, Consent, Contingency:

National SOP for management of telephone & VEC in Clinical Practice

  • Suitability/Inclusion criteria - establish service users suitability for VEC and individual clinical judgment is required on a case-by-case basis.  Document a predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria.
  • Consent - review the National Consent Policy and the SOP for management of telephone and VEC in clinical practice.
  • Contingency Plan - ensure an alternative healthcare delivery method is agreed with the patient before the video consultation begins.
  • Should connectivity fail, have a clear understanding of what to do when the consultation is not going well for technical or clinical reasons.  Review the SOP for management of telephone and VEC in Clinical practice.