cooperation and working together (CAWT)

Cooperation and working together (CAWT) is a partnership between the Health and Social Care Services in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, which facilitates cross border collaborative working in health and social care, established for over 25 years.  The HSE supports this partnership with financial and personnel resources on an ongoing basis.

Its primary work is to deliver a large-scale programme of work funded by the EU. These EU-funded Peace and Interreg Programmes have supported cross-border health and social care since the mid-1990s. The Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB) has statutory responsibility for delivering these projects.

CAWT’s vision is to realise opportunities and develop new ways to improve health and social care services for the well-being of people through collaboration across borders and boundaries.

The Telehealth Programme provide Technology and Transformation support to CAWT projects.

Interreg V projects such as the highly successful mPower enabled key aspects of the HSE’s response during the COVID-19 pandemic, which built upon the knowledge and relationships forged during the earlier project.


The current €1b Interreg Programme Peace Plus is underway with a call for projects expected in early 2023.

HSE are working with partners on proposals for Theme 4: Health and Inclusive Communities and Theme 6: Building and Embedding Partnership and Collaboration. Technology and Transformation are actively engaged with strategy groups in identifying suitable enabling technologies for the following areas:

  • Integrated Care
  • Mental Health
  • Disability Services
  • Children


Page updated 10/01/2023