Specialised Care Services Content Management System (SCS-CMS) Overview

The SCS-CMS Programme is made up of enthusiastic dynamic team members that have a wealth of experience and knowledge in all aspects of project management, the implementation of various healthcare systems and electronic solutions in Acute Settings throughout the HSE.   

With any implementation of an electronic solution within any organisations there is a steep learning curve for all involved, from programme leadership to the core project team and the end users of the system.  

The SCS-CMS team work directly with the two sites and across programme level to support, co-ordinate and implement the TrakCare Solution.

Single Party Framework Agreement

Technology and Transformation (formally eHealth) are pleased to announce the signing of a Single Party Framework agreement for a Clinical Management System for Specialised Care Services for the Irish Health Service which took place in May 2022. 

The HSE went out to tender to identify a qualified supplier of clinical management systems for the supply, modification, installation, integration, implementation, hosting, data migration and on-going support of a Clinical Management System for Specialised Care Services throughout the Irish Health Service.  The SCS-CMS Framework Agreement was awarded to InterSystem.   

The four-year Framework establishes an agreement between the HSE and Intersystem BV for the supply, modification, installation, integration, implementation, hosting, data migration and on-going support of a Clinical Management System (CMS).  

Two initial sites have drawn down from the framework and signed contracts namely: 

  • National Forensic Mental Health Services  
  • National Rehabilitation Hospital 

What is a Content Management System (CMS)?

A Clinical Management System is a powerful healthcare information system for delivering, managing and transforming care. It delivers better co-ordinated care for patients as well as improving health care worker experience as it provides the means to support better and safer care.  It also provides and promotes more effective working practices. It allows authorised clinical staff access to essential patient information required to inform on important decisions at the point of care.

A CMS can replace outdated technology where sites have relied heavily on manual processes.  It also assists to significantly reduce restrictive and time-consuming paper-based ways of working. 

Noted benefits for implementing a CMS include: 

  • Delivery of consistent standards of care
  • Enable safer patient care
  • Better co-ordination of processes Improve access to information
  • Support efforts to drive efficiencies
  • Data Security efficiencies
  • Enhance business intelligence
  • Improved scheduling efficiencies
  • Improved opportunities for quality improvement (QI) initiatives and research
  • Improved patient experience
  • Improved staff confidence accessing and capturing patient record information digitally
  • Paper lite practices established

The Case for a Content Management System (CMS)

The requirement for implementing a Clinical Management System through digital technology came about through a government led initiative called the Digital Government Oversight Unit (DGOU).

A directive from the DGOU is that mental health systems should be organised electronically.
A CMS allows for the delivery of improved and safer patient care through digitisation of the patient journey. It aims to benefit the oganisation, staff and patients through support of best practice and optimising patient safety.
Evidence to support digitaisation of the patient journey has been referenced across national and international organisations. 


Project Methodology and the CMS Project Team

The project followed the ARIES methodology as illustrated below. At each phase the team worked to complete each element. Works leads and workstreams were established with agile methodology and sprint planning implemented to facilitate the work.


A dedicated CMS Project team for NFMHS was established to work in partnership with the eHealth SCS- CMS Programme Team and the vendor.

Approach - Launch of Implementation of Solution

A formal launch of the implementation of the solution, called TrakCare, for both NFMHS and NRH took place in the new National Forensic Mental Health Services campus in Portrane, Co. Dublin on June 22nd, 2022.   

Implementing TrakCare in both sites in a joint approach, allows the HSE to achieve substantial savings, fosters co-working and collaboration and enables shared learning and knowledge transfer between the two sites.   

The Technology and Transformation Community team look forward to continuing to work with NFMHS and NRH as they embark on this innovative and digital transformative journey enabling safer and better patient care.  


Currently we are in the final stages of the launch phase. This involves significant work in preparation for implementation. Tasks for this phase include:

  • Finalisation of activities 
  • Collecting and verifying key data 
  • Customization of the solution for each specific sites need 


  • The discovery phase bas been completed. This involved analysis work performed as a collaborative undertaking between Intersystem, SCS-CMS programme team members and representatives from NRH and NFMHS in the detailed process of discovery analysis.  
  • Extensive mapping of current processes has enabled InterSystems to form a precise view of how the sites currently operate and how they can safely and effectively adopt the TrakCare solution to support the delivery of safe, effective and timely care whilst providing a flexible platform that can be optimised to support continuous improvement programmes driven by the emerging needs. 

Read our news piece on the signing of the Specialised Clinical Services- Clinical Management System (SCS-CMS)

For more information contact:  scs.cms@hse.ie