National Medicinal Product Catalogue

The National Medicinal Product Catalogue (NMPC) Service delivers the HSE’s national dictionary/catalogue of descriptions and identifiers which represent medicinal products and medical devices in use across the Irish healthcare environment.

Integrated medicines management requires nationally standardised medicines information that is able to move with the patient.

The NMPC will provide this national standardisation and work in partnership with end users to support them on their NMPC journey.

Desired benefits of NMPC Service:
  • Improved patient safety 
  • Improved patient/user experience 
  • Improved healthcare worker experience 
  • Improved use and re-use of healthcare data 
  • Improved transparency in financial management of medicine
National Medicinal Product Catalogue (NMPC) Content

The National Medicinal Product Catalogue uniquely codes and describes medicinal products. In addition, it standardises supporting medicines information at a national level (e.g., dose forms, administration routes etc.) and contains an expanded set of information to enable key use-cases (e.g. classification codes, various prescribing flags)

 The National Medicinal Product Catalogue will ensure that any published content is:

  • Relevant
  • Accurate and reliable
  • Timely and punctual
  • Coherent and comparable
  • Accessible and clearly presented
Intended Use Cases

The National Medicinal Product Catalogue will be available to users across all healthcare settings that directly or indirectly support the use of medicinal products in patient care. It will support improved medicinal product information availability to citizens, and improved information sharing between the healthcare system and medicines regulators/medicines supply chain.

Key stakeholders that will benefit from the National Medicinal Product Catalogue include patients and citizens, care providers, healthcare delivery organisations, drug file and knowledge base providers, clinical information system vendors, digital health implementers, researchers, and policy makers.


Contact us:

The NMPC Team can be contacted at:


Last updated: 19/10/2023



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