Chief Data and Analytics Office (CDAO)
The purpose of this function is to ensure high quality health data that can drive value for all the people who need to use and access data within our health system, while ensuring the right tools and insights are available to all our services and staff to maximise this data for the benefit of patients, staff and our services.
The Chief Data and Analytics Office (CDAO) is a significant development within the health reform programme and the governments Digital for Care Ireland 2024 – 2030 framework. It is recognition of the increased focus on the use of data across health and social care services and to lead out on the integration of data analytics across Irelands health service to create a patient focused, data driven health service.
The CDAO will aim to ensure the delivery of high-quality health data that can drive value for all the people who need to use and access data within the health system. Furthermore, it will ensure that the right tools and insights are available to all services and staff to maximise data for the benefit of patients, staff and services.
The office is currently comprised of several data related functions which includes Integrated Information Systems, Health Identifiers, Health Data Standards and Artificial Intelligence and Automation Centre of Excellence (COE). The integration of these functions will enable a more coordinated approach to data-driven decision-making and programme delivery, improving the efficiency and impact of our health service.
If you would like more information or have a general enquiry, please email