MedLIS National Laboratory Information System expansion


The MedLIS program was temporarily suspended following the cyberattack in May 2021, while the National MedLIS Project team was re-directed to support the acute and immediate response to the attack on our healthcare systems. 

The MedLIS server environment and infrastructure was also impacted by the events of May 14th 2021 and a decision was made to rebuild and host the application remotely in Sweden, in line with Cerner’s long term strategy. This will facilitate a code upgrade to the latest supported version, alignment with a Cloud first policy and a robust disaster recovery environment. The rebuild in Sweden was completed in March 2023.


A comprehensive project plan has been agreed in conjunction with our partners at Beaumont Hospital. The 14-month project includes additional build, testing and validation with a scheduled Go-Live date of Q3 2024. 


MedLIS has experienced significant challenges and external shocks since the contract was signed with Cerner in 2015 but the vision remains the same in terms of paperless ordering and reporting, with a consolidated patient laboratory record, supported centrally by a dedicated National Support team. 

The MedLIS team are happy to address any specific questions that our healthcare colleagues have on any aspect of MedLIS or the Laboratory Programme and appreciate your continued support and engagement. 

For more information contact: Thomas Walsh, Laboratory Programme Manager -