Catherine Jinks - MN-CMS Programme Manager - catherine.jinks@hse.ie
Catherine is the Maternal and Newborn Clinical Management System Programme Manager.
Catherine has extensive experience working in the HSE at middle and senior management levels in operational and business management roles as well as healthcare related project implementations such as the iPMS and MN-CMS National projects. She is working closely with all stakeholders to ensure the safe and timely rollout and on-going support of the national MN-CMS programme within budget.
Catherine is committed to supporting Women and Infant Health Services to deliver significant benefits to both patients and staff, ultimately improving patient care through the use of the clinically led, ICT enabled MN-CMS Programme.
Catherine is looking forward to further successful roll-outs, process and system optimisations across the maternity hospital/units nationally.

Dr. Michael Robson - Clinical Director - mrobson@nmh.ie

Prof. Richard Greene - Clinical Lead Obstetrics - richard.greene@hse.ie
Professor Richard Greene is the HSE Chief Clinical Information Officer working with the office of the Chief Clinical Officer and Chief Information Officer.
A graduate of Trinity College Dublin he gained much of his clinical experience in the Coombe Womens' Hospital, Dublin. In July 1999, he took up a position as Fellow in Maternal-Foetal Medicine in Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, USA. On his return to Ireland in 2001, he joined UCC as Senior Lecturer/Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology: and took up his current posts as Director of the National Perinatal Epidemiology Centre (NPEC) and Professor of Clinical Obstetrics, UCC, in 2007. Prof. Greene was instrumental in commissioning and establishing the new maternity services at Cork University Maternity Hospital (CUMH) and continues to maintain a senior management position within the service and it is also where he also undertakes his clinical practice.
His research interests include maternal-foetal medicine, epidemiology, health services research incorporating risk management, quality of service and translational research including digital health. Specifically, his future interests lie in the establishment of NPEC as a national service with the aim to improve clinical services for patients. Towards this goal, he has been involved in the development of a single national chart for obstetrics; and is centrally involved in the Maternal Newborn Clinical Management System (MN-CMS) project, to get a single electronic medical record for all maternity hospitals.

Dr. Brendan Murphy - Clinical Lead - Neonatology - Brendanpaul.murphy@hse.ie
Brendan is a Consultant Neonatologist at Cork University Maternity Hospital (CUMH) and Clinical Senior Lecturer in the Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, University College Cork. He qualified from University College Dublin in 1989 and completed Higher Specialist Paediatric and Subspecialist Neonatology training in Edinburgh UK in 2001 following his Fellowship in Neonatal–Perinatal Medicine at Harvard Medical School in Boston.
Since returning to Cork as Consultant Neonatologist in 2002, he has continued his research interests exploring how processes in the neonatal period affect immature infants and their subsequent function through tissue injury and disturbances of growth and development.
In 2007 as the Clinical Director of Neonatology, he played a central role in commissioning CUMH and development of the Cork Neonatal Research Centre now incorporated into the INFANT Research Centre at CUMH. Since 2003 he is Clinical Lead for the NICORE (Neonatal Intensive Care Outcomes Research & Evaluation) Ireland Quality Improvement Project auditing and benchmarking neonatal outcomes in Ireland nationally and internationally.
Currently he is Clinical Lead-Neonatology for Ireland South Women & Infants Directorate and both Clinical Lead-Neonatology and Clinical Risk Manager for the Maternity–Newborn Clinical Management System (MN-CMS) project to implement introduction of a complete electronic health record for mothers and their infants throughout all 19 maternity hospitals in Ireland.
Dr. Róisín Ní Mhuircheartaigh - Anaesthetic Lead - roisin@me.com

Prof. Brian Cleary - Medications Lead - bcleary@rotunda.ie
Professor Brian Cleary is the Clinical Lead for the MN-CMS Medication Workstream.
Brian has worked in the maternity services since 2002 and is Chief Pharmacist in the Rotunda Hospital Dublin and Honorary Clinical Associate Professor in the School of Pharmacy at the RCSI. He has postgraduate qualifications in Clinical Pharmacy (MSc, 2006) and Pharmacoepidemiology/ Medicines in Pregnancy (PhD, 2011).
Brian has led the MN-CMS medications workstream since 2015. Through the establishment of an effective team of Informatics Pharmacists and broad multidisciplinary collaboration within the MN-CMS project team and more broadly in live sites, the medications team have designed, implemented and optimised medication-related functionality in MN-CMS. The medications workstream have a broad aim of building safe and effective medication use processes, constantly progressing to improve patient safety and enhance user experience. With Brian’s guidance the team benchmark the system against international standards and safety recommendations in order to maximise the patient safety benefits of MN-CMS.
Marie Culliton - Order Comms Lead - mculliton@nmh.ie
Fiona Lawlor - ADOM, Business Manager - fiona.lawlor@hse.ie
Fiona is the Business Manager for the MN-CMS National Project Team.
Fiona is a Registered General Nurse and a Registered Midwife with over 30 years clinical experience both in Ireland and the UK holding a number of clinical and managerial posts. Fiona joined the MN-CMS Project in 2014 as the Project Manager for the successful implementation of MN-CMS in University Hospital Kerry in March 2017 and then joined the MN-CMS National Project Team as the Business Manager in April 2018.
Fiona is responsible for the roll-out out of MN-CMS, from a clinical perspective, to all maternity hospitals/units in Ireland, ensuring the system is implemented to meet the business needs of the National Women and Infants Health Programme.
Fiona also provides clinical leadership and management to the MN-CMS Clinical Workstream leads which include: Maternity, NICU, Gynaecology, Risk Management and Change and Transformation.
As Business Manager Fiona is looking forward to working closely with national and local stakeholders supporting local implementation teams to ensure successful deployment of the MN-CMS system to the remaining maternity hospitals/units in Ireland.

Sharon Young, Senior Manager, National Back Office - sharon.young@hse.ie
Sharon is the National Back Office Manager for the MN-CMS Programme.
She joined the National MN-CMS Project as an Application Specialist in 2016. In June 2018 Sharon moved into the role of National Testing Lead for MN-CMS Project, responsible for managing and supporting all testing activities for current live sites and future maternity sites. In 2021 Sharon moved to the position of Senior Project Manager with the Technology and Transformation office assigned to the MN-CMS programme.
Sharon has worked in the HSE for over 20 years; she has experience of working on and implementing hospital ICT systems including NIMIS and iPMS at a local and regional level.
Sharon is looking forward to leading the development and management of MN-CMS as the roll-out to the remaining maternity units throughout the country continues to ensure that a National Electronic Health Record (EHR) for all women and babies in maternity and gynaecology services becomes available for all.

Brian Kehoe - Chief II Informatics Pharmacist - Brian.Kehoe@hse.ie
Brian has recently taken up the role of Chief II Informatics Pharmacist with the MN-CMS National Back Office. Brian is responsible for providing technical and clinical leadership in order to optimise the use of the MN-CMS system for both users and stakeholders at the current sites and to ensure a smooth transition for future sites.
The focus for the Chief II Informatics Pharmacist will be to act as the lead for the Medications Workstream within the National Back Office dealing with national level business as usual, change control and future development processes relating to medications.
Brian has over 10 years’ experience working as a Pharmacist in both the private and public sector, with 5 of these involved in development and delivery of clinical informatics projects. Brian is looking forward to supporting the continued development of MN-CMS and the delivery of the system to future sites.

Gwen Malone - Order Comms/Lab Workstream Lead - gwen.malone@hse.ie
Gwen is the Chief Medical Scientist / National Lab Order Comms Workstream Lead for the MN-CMS programme. Gwen provides technical and clinical leadership for the design, implementation and maintenance of all Diagnostic Laboratory aspects of MN-CMS. Gwen started working on the MN-CMS project in 2015 as part of the local hospital Laboratory implementation team, and joined national MN-CMS team in 2016 as Senior Medical Scientist.
Gwen leads the Lab Order Comms Workstream in national level business as usual, change management, and future development processes; and the design and implementation of Laboratory aspects of the EHR in future hospitals. She works closely with the diagnostic laboratories in each site to ensure optimal integration between the EHR and the Laboratory Information System (LIS).
Gwen has worked as a Medical Scientist in HSE diagnostic laboratories since qualifying in 2006. She also has a postgraduate MSc in Biomedical Science specialising in Haematology. Since 2014, Gwen has extensive experience in the development and delivery of a number of Laboratory Informatics and Laboratory Information Systems integration projects.
Gwen is looking forward to being part of the continued support and development of MN-CMS, and the delivery of a national EHR for all women and babies in Maternity services throughout the country.

Joan Malone - Maternity and Gynae Workstream Lead - joan.malone1@hse.ie
Joan joined the MN-CMS National Project Team in 2012 as Business Implementation Manager and is currently responsible for leading the Maternity and Gynaecology workstreams. The focus of the work stream lead is to provide professional / clinical leadership, driving the workstream ensuring activities are aligned with the project plan and to act as the main point of contact for the work stream between the National Project Team, the Local Project Manager & the National Back Office.
Joan is a Registered General Nurse and Midwife and has over 20 years' experience in clinical practice, holding a variety of clinical posts including CMM3. She acted as Project Midwife for the National Maternity Healthcare Record and also spent three years in the Quality and Patient Safety Directorate with responsibility for delivery of national guidance on post mortem examinations and clinicial audit. She has been a member of the Healthcare Informatics Society of Ireland-Nursing Midwifery Group since 2007.
Joan looks forward to supporting the implementation of MN-CMS in every maternity unit nationally.

Mary Mullins - Change and Transformation Lead - mary.mullins@hse.ie
Mary has joined the MN-CMS National Project team as the Change and Transformation Lead. Mary is responsible for facilitating the Change and Transformation process through effective communication and the process change management associated with the implementation of MN-CMS at each hospital. The role includes engagement with all of the sites implementing MN-CMS and with the National Project Team
Mary has 30 years of clinical experience specialising in paediatrics and has been a Clinical Nurse Manager for 22 years. For the past 10 years Mary has also been involved with the implementation of ICT enabled change project as the National Business lead for iPMS Programme. Having completed a Masters in Health Informatics, Mary is anxious to engage with sites and vendor to advocate use of recognised international standards for use in healthcare.
Mary is looking forward to bringing that experience to the MN-CMS Programme to support the next 15 sites in their transformation to a fully electronic system.
‘There is nothing permanent except change’- Heraclitus.

Aileen Murphy - Clinical Lead, National Back Office - aileenmb.murphy@hse.ie
Aileen has been a member of the MN-CMS National Project team since 2014. She was appointed as the Clinical Lead in the MN-CMS National Back office under the auspices of the Women’s and Infants Programme in May 2018.
In this role Aileen is responsible for the Clinical support of the Electronic chart for mothers and babies. This includes tasks such as supporting adoption and optimisation, developing clinical reporting, testing system upgrades and general day to day support of the electronic chart within Maternity and Gynaecology services.
Aileen is a Registered General Nurse and Midwife for over 20 years. She trained and worked overseas where she was involved in Hospital and Community Midwifery. This is where she first learned the importance of all the multidisciplinary team being involved in the care of mothers and the baby.
Returning to Ireland and working in Midwifery services in Ireland her role moved to computer Information systems for Maternity care while supporting and reporting from an Obstetric Management system.
Aileen is looking forward to developing her role in the MN-CMS National Back office and working with the National Project Team in supporting each of the 19 Maternity Sites in achieving the common goal of a National Electronic Health Record (EHR) for all women and babies in maternity services in Ireland.

Brian O'Sullivan - Business Informatics Lead - Brian.OSullivan@hse.ie
BSC Computing - Software Development
Brian joined the national project team in August 2018 as the Business Informatics Lead for MN-CMS. He is responsible for the planning, monitoring and managing of the sign-off of the nationally agreed reports and will also have overall visibility of reporting within MN-CMS. He will deliver national requirements from the system and provide guidance and assistance to the local reporting groups.
Brian has also started developing ‘PowerTrials’ and investigating the possibilities of the ‘LightsOn’ reporting tool within MN-CMS.
Brian previously worked in the I.T. Dept. of University Hospital Kerry (UHK). He was the UHK lead in the Interface Testing/Reports setup and Patient Renumbering process for the amalgamation of the UHK iPM Database onto the Southern Regional iPM Database.
Brian achieved an award from the National Treatment Purchase Fund for the quality of data sent from University Hospital Kerry for Inpatient and Outpatient Waiting List Data. He has automated key reports, saving hundreds of work hour’s annually allowing staff to focus on their key duties and to deliver a more efficient service.

Orla Sheehan - NICU Workstream Lead - Orla.Sheehan1@hse.ie
Orla is the National NICU Workstream Lead for the MN-CMS Project. Orla provides clinical leadership to the design and implementation of MN CMS across all Neonatal Units in the country. Orla began working on the project in 2015 with responsibility for design, testing and implementation of the Neonatal EHR. Orla was the MN-CMS Local System Administrator in CUMH, Cork supporting the entire site for Maternity and Neonatal before joining the National team in July 2018.
Orla is a Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care Nurse with some extensive clinical experience having worked at Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin and Cork University Maternity Hospital. Orla is committed to assisting in the safe delivery of care to all newborns in the country.
Eileen Burke - Technology and Transformation Senior Project Manager - EileenT.Burke@hse.ie

Orla Fox - Technology and Transformation Senior Project Manager - Orla.fox@hse.ie
Orla is working with Technology and Transformation as a Senior Project Manager assigned to the Maternal and Newborn Clinical Management System (MN-CMS) programme, delivering the electronic health record.
Working alongside the programme manager, colleagues in Technology and Transformation, and the National Back Office for MN-CMS, Orla project manages various elements of the overall programme working closely with the local sites to ensure the electronic health record is rolled out as per specifications, in time, and on budget.
Orla has been working with the Technology and Transformation for nearly 20 years. Starting with security management on the SAP financial system, Orla moved into IT support and from there to IT Manager in the North East covering both the hospitals and the community before progressing to her current roll as Senior Project Manager.
Orla delights in working amongst wonderfully committed teams, across diverse sectors of the HSE, all with one ultimate goal, that of the health and wellbeing of the patients.
With 4 of 19 hospitals live with MN-CMS, Orla looks forward to the roll out of this electronic health record to the remaining 15 hospitals across the country.

Aileen Pekoz - Lead Application Specialist, National Back Office - Aileen.Pekoz@hse.ie
Aileen joined the MN-CMS team as the Lead Application Specialist in the National Back Office.
She is responsible for System Administration, supporting the Local Back Offices in the maternity and gynaecology sites and working with all the MN-CMS team to facilitate optimal performance and functionality of the system.
Aileen has been working with I.T. systems in Irish hospitals for over 20 years. After qualifying as a General Nurse, Aileen moved into hospital I.T. gaining experience in helpdesk solutions, PAS systems and clinical databases. Aileen then worked as a Data Manager for several years where she worked with Multidisciplinary Cancer Teams to implement and manage cancer registries in the South region.
She is looking forward to continuing to support the current sites using the system and to supporting future sites when the system is expanded to the remaining hospitals throughout the country.

Tom Twomey - Clinical Engineering Workstream Lead - Tom.Twomey@hse.ie
Tom has recently taken up the role of Clinical Engineering Workstream Lead with the MN-CMS Team. He will have a key role in Clinical Engineering and BMDI related issues and also in supporting other Workstreams.
Tom has over 15 years’ experience working in Clinical Engineering in the HSE, including assisting with the rollout and development of The Kidney Disease Clinical Patient Management System (KDCPMS) in CUH.
Prior to working in the HSE Tom worked in the private sector for Motorola as an Integrated Circuit Design Engineer.
Tom is looking forward to supporting the continued development of the MN-CMS program and the delivery of the system to future sites.”

Gavin Horan - Senior Clinical Informatics Pharmacist - Gavin.Horan1@hse.ie
Gavin has joined the MN-CMS Project team as a Senior Clinical Informatics Pharmacist.
He has been a pharmacist for almost 20 years with a mix of Community and Hospital experience. He has worked as a community pharmacist in Ireland and New Zealand.
Gavin held a supervisory role for seven years, where he became interested in computer science and its application to the furtherance of patient safety and so gained a Higher Diploma in Computer Science, followed by a Certificate in Technology and Transformation, NFQ Level 8 (SPA).
Gavin has a clinical pharmacist workload in the Rotunda Hospital which helps to maintain clinical skills and to ensure that MN-CMS reflects the requirements for best practice in maternal and new-born care.
Gavin will assist in the delivery of training and education to medical, nursing and pharmacy staff and will also work on the rollout of medication related development of MN-CMS system functionality, and clinical decision support. He has an interest in audit and reporting, and how best to find new sources of data from within MN-CMS, and deploying these to inform new safety initiatives.
In this role Gavin will administer, maintain, and further develop the MN-CMS system to optimise the use of the system for both users and stakeholders at the current sites and to ensure a smooth transition for future sites.

Ellen Lennon - Senior Medical Scientist - ellen.lennon@hse.ie
Ellen is a Senior Medical Scientist with over 20 years’ experience and has joined the MN-CMS to support the function of the MN-CMS National Back Office and National Project Team to facilitate optimal support to the system, its users and stakeholders.
She has worked in the National Virus Reference Laboratory and the Rotunda. Ellen’s 18 years in the Rotunda Microbiology Department gave her valuable insight into Maternity and Gynaecology services from a laboratory perspective, and she became involved in Lab Order Comms for the department in 2018 after The Rotunda went live with MN-CMS in late 2017.
Having experienced both the pandemic and cyber attack Ellen saw how valuable and vital the EHR is for patient care and all users and looks forward to the continued implementation of MN-CMS.

Susan Kelly - Training Lead - Susang.kelly1@hse.ie
Susan was seconded to MN-CMS in November 2021 as Training Lead. Susan is a registered Senior Medical Scientist but has spent the last 7 years with the National MedLIS project where her responsibilities included training, testing, quality and data protection. The latter years were dedicated to her role as training and data protection lead where she was responsible for developing and delivering a training program for end users of the MedLIS system.
Her role within the MN-CMS project is to manage and optimise the MN-CMS training tools that are available to users of the system. Susan is also responsible for co-ordinating the MN-CMS Project Team training ensuring access to the most up to date training courses available for maintaining and enhancing their current knowledge.
Having completed post graduate qualifications in Computer Science, Health Informatics, Leadership and
Quality and Digital Transformation, Susan is dedicated to the use of IT and Informatics in Healthcare to improve patient outcomes. She believes electronic healthcare records not only improve patient care but also provide for instrumental information in regards to population health and preventative vs reactive healthcare.

Sean Kilkenny - MN-CMS National Team Technical Lead - Sean.Kilkenny@hse.ie
Sean joined the National Project Team in January 2022 as the MN-CMS Technical Resource. He has been working with the HSE for nearly 20 years, starting in IT Support for a number of years. Sean moved into the role of IT Operations Manager for the NE before progressing into the role of Project Manager with PMO. He is looking forward to supporting the continued development of the MN-CMS program and the delivery of the system to future sites.

Rhona Drummond - Theatre and Anaesthetic Workstream Lead - Rhona.drummond@hse.ie
Rhona is the Theatre & Anaesthetic Workstream Lead for MN-CMS nationally. Rhona began working on MN-CMS in 2014 while project managing the roll out of the system into the Rotunda Hospital, where she worked as a Midwife for almost twenty years. After implementation in 2018 Rhona managed the local MNCMS back office there until her appointment to the national team in 2022.

Keely Flynn - Application Specialist National Back Office - keely.smithflynn@hse.ie
Keely has joined the MN-CMS team in November 2022 as Administrator in the National Back Office. She is responsible for System Administration, supporting Local Back Offices in the current live sites.
Keely joined the HSE in 2020 working in Home Support Services. She has previously worked in St. James’s Hospital’s Memory Clinic and also as part of their Social Prescribing project. Her role involved referring patients to a range of non-clinical community supports to assist with their health and well-being.
Keely is looking forward to continuing to support the current sites using MN-CMS and supporting future sites while the system is being rolled out.

Kalavathi Jayaram Singh - Clinical Application Specialist, National Back Office - Kalavathi.Singh@hse.ie
Kalavathi joined the MN-CMS team as a Clinical Application Specialist in September 2023. Kala will be responsible for communicating, testing and supporting the specific system requirements of the clinical user to ensure workflows are tailored where possible to meet these requirements. This will ensure smooth implementation of MN-CMS into future sites and best use of the system in current sites, thus optimising user experience and patient care.
Kala’s 20 years of experience in the healthcare setting both in Ireland and abroad have provided her with the knowledge and expertise to understand the needs of the clinical user particularly in the Nursing, Midwifery, Gynaecology and Telehealth areas. Her vast clinical experience has also included navigating hospital wide go-lives and managing healthcare through a pandemic and cyber-attack.
Kala is enthusiastic and excited to augment the MN-CMS programme through future site implementations and is driven by the desire to promote safe use of Electronic Healthcare Records for Women and Infants and promote an integrated healthcare system within Maternity Services in Ireland.

Emma Lyons - Application Specialist National Back Office - emma.lyons3@hse.ie
Emma joined the MN-CMS project team in June 2022 as an Application Specialist to support the National Back Office. Her role includes providing support to the Local Back Office managers, at current and future live sites, and is also responsible for day to day System Administration.
Since 2015 Emma has gained diverse experience as a Clerical Officer including the support of a number of clinical areas e.g. hospital admissions, the maternity ward, delivery suite, gynaecology ward and outpatients in the Coombe Woman and Infants University Hospital. Emma jumped at the opportunity to be seconded from the Coombe in 2016 to work as administration support/PA to the MN-CMS programme manager . When the secondment term ended in 2018 she took on the new role of Foetal Medicine Administator at the Coombe working closely with the sonographers and Foetal Medicine consultants in the ultrasound department.
Emma really enjoys working as part of the MN-CMS project team and is excited for what the future holds with this project.

Helena Abraham-Junior Business Analyst- Helena.Abraham@hse.ie
Helena joined the Technology and Transformation Team in July 2023 as a Junior Business Analyst to support MN-CMS.
Helena holds a Master’s degree in Nursing from abroad as well as a degree in Data Analytics in Ireland. She is pursuing an MSc in IT Management in South East Technology University, Carlow. She has a wide range of experience as a nurse in acute and residential settings both in Ireland and overseas.
Her keen interest in analytics and healthcare has led to her current role in Technology and Transformation and will be fully engaged in in-depth analysis of present and upcoming projects in MN-CMS.
Helena is excited to be a part of technology enabled healthcare provisions in Ireland and hope to see a fully digitalized health system in the country soon.

Norah McEntee-Senior Business Analyst- norah.mcentee1@hse.ie
Norah has joined the MN-CMS National Project Team as a Business Analyst. She is a Registered Nurse with 30 years’ experience in the acute clinical setting. Her roles have included Specialist & Managerial posts with her most recent as Clinical Nurse Manager III.
Norah has a keen interest in delivering Quality patient-centred care and has been fortunate to have been involved in many quality improvement projects.
She is looking forward to be an integral part of the MN-CMS team striving for continuous improvements in our ever-evolving health landscape.

Loritta Munyimani - Technology and Transformation ICT Project Manager - Loritta.mawarire@hse.ie
Loritta joined Technology and Transformation HSE as an ICT project manager in December 2023 and she is assigned to the MN-CMS Programme. Loritta is a Registered general nurse who has vast expertise providing person-centred care in a variety of specialised and complex healthcare settings both in Ireland and abroad.
She has been with HSE since 2018 in various roles including general nursing, management, and most recently as CNM3 MN-CMS Data Quality Manager. Loritta takes satisfaction in her ability to engage with multi diverse dynamic teams, promoting a culture that is result oriented in delivering safe, effective and efficient healthcare.
Loritta is looking forward to being part of the roll out of MN-CMS Electronic Health Record to the remaining hospitals and all other integration programmes that comes along with its enhancement.

Ger McAleer - Testing Lead - Geraldine.Mcaleer@hse.ie
Ger is the National Testing Lead for the MN-CMS Programme, her role within the MN-CMS is to manage system testing activities in multiple sites across the programme, ensuring the activities are aligned with and delivered to the project plan timeline.
Ger has over 20 years' experience working with the HSE in an admin role and has worked in Medical Administration, Civil Registration and more recently worked as Data Quality Lead with the Covax system and also with the National Covid Operations team.
Ger is looking forward to supporting the continued development of the MN-CMS and the delivery of the system to future sites across the country.