Roisin Doherty
Róisín Doherty is the Director of Access to Information & Health Identifers programme (A2I-HIDs).
Prior to joining the Health Service in 1997, Róisín worked in ICT for various Government departments including the Department of Social Protection, the Office of the Revenue Commissioners and the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO - formally CMOD). Róisín also worked for a number of years in the private sector in the United States of America.
Róisín has over 25 years of ICT experience leading many strategic eGovernment and eHealth programmes including the Reach Public Services Broker and the Health Identifier Programme.
The A2I-HIDs team, led by Roisin, is tasked with the delivery of the technical infrastructure and capability to enable the integration of health information across the health sector and to provide access to electronic health records for patients and their clinicians. Róisín and her team are responsible for the development of key eHealth Strategy enablers such as the Individual Health Identifier (IHI) which enables the identification of health service users and their health records, the National Health Messaging Broker (HealthLink) and an eDirectory of Health Services (HealthDirectory).
As part of the Sláintecare programme, the A2I-HIDs team are currently responsible for the development of an eCitizen Health portal prototype, which will provide citizens with access to health information relating to health services in their locality, health information relating to their health conditions, appointment booking facilities for health services and secure access to their health information as part of their patient summary record.
For a more detailed look at services provided by Access to Information please click here.
- Fran Thompson - Chief Information Officer (CIO)
- Michael Redmond - Chief Operating Officer (COO)
- Joyce Shaw - Chief of Staff & Head of Business Operations
- Mary Cooke - Delivery Director - Community Health Services
- Martina Burns - Delivery Director - Acute Delivery
- Roisin Doherty - Delivery Director - Access to Information
- Helen Coughlan - Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
- Darach Glennon - Customer Service Experience (CSE)
- Noreen Noonan - ICT Delivery Director - Corporate Delivery, Population Health Delivery.
- Margaret Kilmartin - SAP Centre of Excellence
- Tom Laffan - HSE Chief Data and Analytics Officer
- Peter Connolly- Delivery Director Cyber Strategy and Transformation