Healthmail is a secure, private, bounded email service for the exchange of patient identifiable clinical information. In April 2020, COVID Emergency Legislative Provisions recognised Healthmail as the national electronic prescription transfer service, permitting the transfer of a prescription between the prescriber and dispensing pharmacy by electronic means, removing the need for a paper equivalent.
The journey with FlipPads started around 5 years ago, when the Medical Oncology Department approached Micheal Sheridan, CEO of The Mercy Hospital Foundation.
“MN-CMS was good for Covid and Covid was good for MN-CMS” Dr. Michael Robson, Consultant Obstetrician/ Gynaecologist & MN-CMS Clinical Director
The uptake of medical technology is historically slow and arduous. Systems, people, and the technologies themselves are forced to adapt to each other, which can be a long journey.
The National MN-CMS Programme is delighted to announce that the MN-CMS Foundation Training Module is now available in HSeLanD
The aim of the GUH Evolve Project is to move from a paper based system (the current medical records are paper based) to a paper lite system.
Robots may play role in reducing loneliness for people with dementia
The ability to share accurate and comprehensive health information is increasingly important in our digital age.