Standards and Shared Care Record TEAM DAY
A very successful Standards and Shared Care Record Team Day was held on Thursday the 16th of January 2025. After coffee and networking, a warm welcome and preview of proceedings was provided by Kathryn Kissane, Deputy Delivery Director for Engagement and Delivery. Kathryn introduced Gary Wilson as the new Senior Solution Architect for the MyHealth@IE programme and went on to describe highlights of the last year, including the establishment of governance for the programme and the soft go-live of the HSE App.
2024 The Year in Review - Fran Thompson, T&T CIO
A comprehensive and entertaining look in the rear-view mirror was provided by Fran Thompson. Fran reminded us, while reflecting on last year, we often focus on what wasn’t done, but significant progress has been made. Our security environment has stabilised, infrastructure improved, and major projects advanced. Despite challenges, our efforts have led to substantial achievements, and we continue to evolve and improve. Fran expressed a huge thank you to all in Technology and Transformation who worked so hard to bring about the achievements delivered in 2024.
Clinical Terminology & SNOMED 2025 Plan Theresa Barry, Clinical Terminologies Lead
Theresa spoke about the many achievements of the Clinical Terminology, including SNOMED, Data Standards and the Data Dictionary during last year. This included engaging with key stakeholders both clinical and technical, representing the HSE on the international stage and leveraging learning from other SNOMED member countries. More recent achievements include production of the SNOMED Vendor Specification Document, publishing of 22 reference sets with new content authorised, establishment of the Data Specification Management Process with 8 datasets progressed, 9 Irish Edition releases and the work with the National Medicinal Product Catalogue to develop the NMPC with the SNOMED Data model The Central Terminology Server and Data Dictionary procurements were progressed during 2024, and both are scheduled to be completed by Q2 2025. a new 3 year SNOMED strategy aligning Digital for Care and the European Health Data Space needs to be developed in 2025. Theresa concluded the update with the latest on the Data Specification Management Process (DSMP) and the progression to SNOMED CT and identified some of the challenges faced by the participating projects.
MyHealth@EU 2025 Update – Patrick Marren, MyHealth@EU Lead
An international flavour was introduced by Patrick, who provided an overview of the latest progress in relation to the MyHealth@EU project which aims to ensure 100% of EU citizens will have access to their medical records by 2030. Patrick went on to describe the European Health Data Space (EHDS) legislation, objectives, and timelines. Approval from DG SANTE was received for Country B health data exchange (EU data into Ireland), and a communication plan for Irish clinicians is being developed. The role of the NSCR in the provision of the data to the National Contact Point and the role of the Central Terminology Server were identified as key to the achievement of the goals of the MyHealth@EU project.
National Shared Care Record (NSCR) 2025 Plan - Tony Hamill, NSCR Senior Project Manager
Tony started the NSCR update with a summary of the procurement phase of the NSCR initiative. Tony acknowledged the massive amount of work carried out by the Procurement Evaluation Group and Subject Matter Experts during 2024, with the aim of completing the procurement and approvals in Q1 2025. Implementation preparation includes ongoing data discovery and progress of the draft data roadmap, commencement of engagements with GPs for Phase 1, engaging stakeholders on the Data Roadmap, and progressing dialogues to identify a Phase 1 location, with first go-live scheduled for Q4.
HSE App Update and 2025 Plan - John Gilmartin, HSE App Senior Project Manager
John gave a detailed update on the latest progress in relation to the HSE App. Following on from the successful Beta and soft go-live of the HSE App during 2024, a public launch of the app is expected in Q1.
The 2025 Roadmap strategy is to align with the NSCR data roadmap, extending to include all hospital appointments (vs maternity appointments at launch), integrating stand-alone apps, and developing priority features identified by user research. Upcoming releases will also include reminders for appointments and for EHIC/Schemes cards expiry.
John encouraged anyone present who hadn’t already signed up to the HSE App to do so as soon as possible, and to spread the word to colleagues.
Guest Speakers
Brian Dunne, Programme Manager of the EHR team, and Emer Doyle from the Health Information Policy Unit of the Department of Health were guest speakers on the day. Brian spoke on the plans for a National EHR, noting that the theme of ‘One Patient – One Record’ is key to the initiative. Brian indicated that the Preliminary Business Case is expected to be approved during Q2 of 2025.
Emer gave a comprehensive and insightful update on the much-anticipated Health Information Bill, including an overview of the process ahead and the likely t imelines. Once the Bill is passed, initial compliance with regulation is expected in Q1 2029 and full compliance should be in place by 2031. Under the Duty to Share element of the legislation, a duty is placed on health services providers to share health information with each other when it supports the care and treatment of a patient. Reference was made to the specific Digital Health Record sections of the bill which include the data for inclusion in the Patient Summary.
Emer also described 3 new authorities to be established under the European Health Data Space (EHDS). A Digital Health Authority (DHA) to monitor and support implementation of health data for primary use, a Health Data Access Body (HDAB) to provide guidance and support access to data for secondary use, and a Market Surveillance Authority (MSA) to monitor compliance of EHR systems with EHDS Regulations
Closing remarks by Kathryn Kissane
Kathryn thanked all who attended and all those who could not attend for their efforts throughout the year to bring about the many achievements and tasks delivered by the SSCR Team. It was acknowledged the entire SSCR team demonstrated much f lexibility and adaptability throughout the year, managing to achieve significant milestones despite often significant challenges. We were reminded that we look forward to another very eventful year for the Clinical Terminologies, MyHealth@EU, NSCR and HSE App domains filled with challenges, milestones and achievements.
Anyone who hasn't signed up to the HSE App you can click here to Learn more and sign up to test the app.