eHealth Away Day
Welcome and Update from Fran Thompson, CIO eHealth HSE
On March 4th, 2024, Fran Thompson, Chief Information Officer, eHealth HSE kicked off the eHealth Away Day by introducing a video from the CEO, who could not attend due to other diary commitments. He then introduced Damien McCallion, our new Chief Technology and Transformation Officer CTTO, to the audience. Damien outlined the importance of eHealth in the HSE and its role in the transformation agenda. He outlined that he is really looking forward to leading the division.
Fran began by highlighting the vast array of complex projects in progress, both in development and operational phases. Among these are initiatives such as eOrdering, Single Sign-On and the National Transfer System, which operate quietly but significantly impact people's lives. Notable achievements include the successful implementation of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) at various healthcare facilities, enhancing efficiency and patient care. On the community side, initiatives like the Disability Case Management solution are underway, aiming to support vulnerable people. Furthermore, Fran mentioned the challenges faced by the IFMS on the corporate side but expressed optimism about its improved position moving forward, thanks to additional funding. He also highlighted the upcoming launch of the HSE App and the transformative potential of the shared care record in changing our approach to patient care.
Ongoing Initiatives
Fran added insights into significant ongoing initiatives, such as the vaccine system's expansion to integrate COVID and flu vaccine information from GPs, and the development of the Digital Health Strategy and Digital Health & Social Care Framework. These frameworks prioritise patient empowerment, digital workforce enablement, and data-driven decision making to enhance care delivery. The Digital Health Strategy framework has 1 vision, 6 principles and 48 initiatives. The six guiding principles, each aimed at enhancing patient engagement, workforce empowerment. By placing patients at the centre and leveraging digital solutions, eHealth aims to create a seamless and data-driven healthcare ecosystem. Fran emphasised again, the need for comprehensive data management to enable informed decision-making and improve patient outcomes. Looking ahead, eHealth is committed to rolling out several initiatives over the coming years. Despite inevitable challenges, eHealth remains dedicated to fostering collaboration and innovation within the Health Service Executive. Fran emphasised the importance of teamwork in achieving the organisation's goals and urged the teams to embrace change and find fulfilment in their work.
In conclusion, Fran expressed gratitude to the eHealth teams for their dedication and professionalism. The message was clear: eHealth is on a mission to redefine healthcare delivery through technology, and with the collective effort of its teams, it's poised to make a significant impact on healthcare outcomes.