Driving Irelands Digital Health Transformation Forward – A New Era
The Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly launched the much anticipated ‘Digital for Care: A Digital Health Framework for Ireland 2024-2030' on May 21st 2024. Paving the way to digitally transform health services in Ireland the Framework’s vision of having ‘better health outcomes enabled by seamless, safe, secure, and connected digital health services and which support health and wellbeing for both our patients and providers’ is presented through the perspective of six principles:
This vision will be supported by rolling delivery plans through the HSE Digital Health Strategic Implementation Roadmap 2024-2030 (currently awaiting approval) which has been developed following a significant consultation process with the Department of Health and other key stakeholders – it is fully aligned with the Department’s Framework and is both patient focused and clinically led.
As we make significant steps to improve the digital capability in our health services the pivotal role our staff have played to date in our combined vision to provide connected digital care to patients in this country is hugely appreciated.
For more information please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated Programme Team on ctto.digitalstrategy@hse.ie
More information on the Chief Technology Transformation Office (CTTO) can be found here.