HSE Data Collaborathon
Over one hundred people attended the Data Collaboration event held on 1st March in Southgate, Drogheda. Event attendance was both in-person and virtual, where the decisive message from the day was “Get Your Data Right. Get Right to the Heart of Patient Health”.
The event provided great variety with insight from a number of divisions and a fantastic line-up of Keynote speakers including;
- Maria McCann, Director of Identity Management Services (IMS).
- Loretto Grogan, National Chief Nursing & Midwifery Information Officer.
- Kerry Ryder, Business Analyst of Health Intelligence Unit.
- Mary Deasy, Data Protection Officer.
- Mark Bagnell, General Manager Strategy & PMO, Integrated Information Services (IIS)
- Theresa Barry, Clinical Terminology Architecture Lead.
There was some great eHealth representation at the event with Chief Operations Officer Michael Redmond providing the opening address where he stated that while working in the HSE, not only are we operating and using the biggest ICT digital platform in the country, we are also swimming in a vast ocean of data. Therefore it is of great importance that this data is carefully reviewed and mined for it to be stored and delivered effectively across the organisation.
Mark Bagnell of IIS covered how data is used, collected and processed within eHealth and reiterated Michael’s point of effectively reviewing and mining data. IIS were involved in COVAX and the issuing of approximately 9.3 million Digital Covid Certificates during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Mark noted that if 1% of this data was incorrect, that would affect roughly 100,000 individuals. This shows the importance in ensuring we have the right data for the right person.
Theresa Barry also spoke about the importance of change across the organisation by moving away from being paper based and the use of an Electronic Healthcare Record (EHR). Standardising data at a European level is also key with plans for legislation around the sharing of data for patient summaries and e-prescribing. Key consideration was given to collecting data in the correct format, becoming data literate and understanding and encouraging the use of data to improve decision-making.
The overall conclusion was better data can only improve experience for both staff and service users. The call was clear from all speakers and that was to support HSE data colleagues to build a data programme to support and enable HSE staff to collect, use and manage data within HSE systems
Contact: hidsoffice@hse.ie