eHealth Team Shortlisted
Some members of the IIS team, along with the Scheduled Care Transformation Programme team recently attended the Analytics Institute Awards, held in the Mansion House, Dublin, where IIS Scheduled Care Dashboard was shortlisted for the Analytics Institute Public Sector Project Award. This is the second award the IIS Scheduled Care Dashboard has been shortlisted for this year; the first being the Tech Excellence Project of the Year Award.
Since 2021, the IIS has worked very closely with several stakeholders from the HSE, Department of Health, Sláintecare Programme Implementation office and the National Treatment Purchase Fund (NTPF) on the delivery of a comprehensive suite of data relating to national waiting lists. This work commenced in response to the commitments outlined in the Sláintecare Strategic Action Plan 2021-2023, where the overall objective in the development of the Scheduled Care Dashboard, was to fulfil as many of these commitments as possible, while also aligning with the National Service Plan KPIs, which are measurable targets that further support the fulfilment of the Sláintecare Strategic Action Plan.
A key initiative of the Sláintecare Strategic Action Plan 2021-2023 was to develop a multiannual waiting list plan, focused on achieving waiting time targets as set out by Sláintecare and the National Service Plan. The teams involved needed a way to view national waiting lists, but with an ability to filter on hospital groups, hospitals, specialties, procedures, and consultants. A collaborative engagement began, focusing on waiting lists, and developing a multiannual plan that would aid hospital teams to prioritise areas of need.
Described as “a game changer in the world of Scheduled Care”, the IIS Scheduled Care Dashboard and Reporting programme combines multiple datasets from external statutory bodies and internal HSE business units, to provide a unified view of Waitlists for those tasked with managing Scheduled Care across Hospital Groups and Hospitals in Ireland. Combining multiple datasets enables National HSE teams to view the impact of measures and interventions to reduce patient wait time in accessing care at the right time.
The IIS team has delivered the Scheduled Care Dashboard through a DevOps culture of continuous integration and change, managed iteratively through more than 70 fortnightly sprint deployment cycles and approximately 950 “user stories”. This iterative culture, and technology partnership has enabled the IIS team to be responsive to stakeholder requirements and continually improve the dashboard functionality at all levels. Technical delivery of the dashboard has been dependent on establishing and maintaining strong collaborative relationships with external and internal technical teams and stakeholders
IIS continuously develops the dashboard, welcoming feedback and learnings through monthly demonstrations for end users. Development is managed through regular meetings, involvement with data and technical requirements as early as possible, and feedback from users and stakeholders. This co-designed approach allows the dashboard to constantly improve, to become an accessible and trustworthy source of information and truth for the HSE.
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