Better Together for Digital Healthcare Conference
After the hugely successful National Digital Health Conference held on 1st December 2023 in the Dublin Convention Centre where over 50 presenters captured the collective ambitions and vision of both HSE Staff and patients, it was clear that harnessing the potential of digital healthcare will be a collaborative effort and our Health Service can be made better by working together. One key element was the launch of the ‘HSE Telehealth Roadmap 2024-2027: Building Blocks for the Embedding & Expansion of Telehealth’ developed by the HSE National Telehealth Steering Committee to transform delivery of healthcare in Ireland.
Welcoming delegates, Loretto Grogan, HSE National Chief Nursing and Midwifery Information Officer reflected on digital progress made so far and said: “The COVID-19 pandemic enabled momentum in digital health developments that may have otherwise taken years. It is crucial that we build on this, putting strong foundations in place to digitise, connect and transform services safely and securely to improve the outcomes, experience and safety for people accessing our health service. “The potential benefits of telehealth are clear. For example, remote video and telephone consultations can reduce travel time, costs, emissions and time away from work, school, families and communities. Telehealth can also support timely intervention, reduce hospital admissions and facilitate early discharge through empowering patients with wearable technologies that can be monitored remotely by health teams. Among the delegates, opening the conference was Minister of State at the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, Ossian Smyth TD who said: “Telehealth is core to the Sláintecare vision for healthcare in Ireland. It will help us integrate our health services, breaking down silos whilst growing capacity and enhancing the care provided to people. Telehealth advancements will ultimately help improve access, outcomes, and affordability for patients, by facilitating the right care to be delivered in the right place, at the right time by the right team.” Another core theme of the conference was the digital empowerment of the health service workforce.
Fran Thompson, Chief Information Officer, HSE, acknowledging the fundamental role of staff, said: “Significant steps are being made to improve the digital capability in our health services.
This conference brings to the fore the combined vision of healthcare staff to provide connected digital care to the people of Ireland. I want to acknowledge the pivotal role our staff have played to date in advancing this vision and look forward to further optimising digital healthcare across all sectors of our health service.
Professor Richard Greene, Chief Clinical Information Officer, HSE, said: “While digital health incorporates software, hardware, services and everything from mobile health apps to electronic health records, we must acknowledge that these will not deliver healthcare improvements alone. We need integrated and standardised workflows, improved resource management and a renewed focus on patients and carers needs. Our focus is optimising these tools for the benefit of our patients and healthcare workers."
A heartfelt thanks was expressed to all involved who made this such a memorable occasion and attendee feedback was overwhelmingly positive. To see full details of the day including presenter details, resource pack and agenda please click here.