SNOMED Vendor Specifications Document for HSE procurement of new systems
The Irish National Release Centre for SNOMED has produced a vendor specification document to support the procurement of new systems with a clinical terminology component. This specification document has been peer reviewed and approved by the SNOMED Governance Board. This document should be shared with all prospective suppliers during the procurement process.
Doing so will ensure that data quality and data standardisation are managed and architected within the system from the beginning. This will ultimately aid in interoperability and data sharing. With the Health Information Bill from the Department of Health being drafted and the legislation from the EU Health dataspace being planned, it would be prudent that the HSE is in a state of readiness and be prepared to enable data sharing, and overall improve data quality. The document is hosted on the eHealth Ireland page here.
Here you can read the Vendor Specification Document.
For further information contact:
Theresa Barry, Clinical Terminology Architecture Lead
email: Theresa.Barry@hse.ie