Health Provider Portal
In the midst of an unprecedented time in the Irish health service, working on many COVID projects plus cyber-attack recovery, the Access to Information & Health Identifiers (A2i-HIDs) section of eHealth & Disruptive Technologies, built and launched the Health Provider Portal.
Developed in just 4 months, Health Provider Portal (HPP) consists of 3 applications; PharmaVax, GPVax and Vaccination History Search. The Portal allows vaccinators to record details of and claim reimbursement for vaccinations which they administer, while also facilitating vaccination record search functionality.
PharmaVax went live on the 14th of June 2021. Fifteen months on, the application is now used in over 1,160 pharmacies in Ireland and has 1,080,871 recorded vaccinations. The A2i-HIDs team continues to develop HPP to support the roll out of booster vaccinations and to cater for new requirements and changing clinical guidelines. The current work plan centres around preparing the Portal for the Seasonal Flu vaccination programme which commences in October 2022, and which could potentially see up to another 500 Pharmacies using the system for Flu vaccinations.
In August 2021 HPP’s user base was expanded with the creation of GPVax, which enables GP's who do not have practice management systems to electronically record the COVID vaccinations administered in their practices. To date 11,593 vaccinations have been recorded in GPVax. Vaccination History Search allows GP's and other health professionals to confirm the vaccination history of a client prior to vaccination.
Both PharmaVax and GPVax are integrated with COVAX, the national vaccination recording system. This integration, supported by the use of the Individual Health Identifier, ensures that all citizens’ vaccination records can be managed centrally regardless of where the vaccination was administered and that their Digital Covid Certificate can be successfully generated. Reimbursement claims relating to the administration of COVID-19 vaccinations are also communicated from the application to the Primary Care Eligibility & Reimbursement Service (PCRS) to enable payments to be processed to participating Pharmacies and GP's.
Learn more about A2i-HIDs here.