CPD achievements by Irish NRC SNOMED CT on Foundation course for SNOMED CT
SNOMED CT is an international clinical terminology coding system used in Electronic Health Records. Its purpose is to facilitate accurate recording and sharing of clinical and related health information with semantic interoperability. SNOMED CT was recommended by HIQA Reports in 2014 and 2021, and was endorsed by the Department of Health in 2017. As a result the Health Service Executive established the Irish National Release Centre for SNOMED CT in 2019, which developed a SNOMED CT Strategy, (2020-2023).
In the interest of promoting clinical education and awareness of SNOMED CT in the Irish healthcare system, the Irish NRC requested continuous professional development points, (CPD), endorsement from Irish Clinical Professional Bodies to promote the SNOMED CT Foundation Course in 2021.
To date, CPD approval has been endorsed by the:
- RCSI for Physicians, (9 Credits),
- NMBI for Nursing and Midwifery professionals, (35 CEU Credits).
- HSCP healthcare professionals can also avail of this course by applying one CPD credit per hour of this new learning, alongside self-assessment and reflection on the impact of this learning on their clinical practice.
- Currently in the process of seeking CPD approval from other Professional Bodies.
The NRC will relay updates in any future CPD development.
In alignment with Irelands SNOMED CT Strategy 2020-2023, the Irish SNOMED NRC will continue to promote SNOMED CT educational opportunities to healthcare professionals nationally. The ultimate aim being to build experts in SNOMED CT, enabling standardised interoperable clinical data sharing in all future Electronic Health Records.
As part of Irelands SNOMED CT Strategy 2020-2023, one of its aims was to Build Experts in SNOMED CT. Clinical education on SNOMED CT will ensure the clinical engagement required for successful implementation of SNOMED CT in Health Services Electronic Health Records. At the moment there are eLearning courses available such as the SNOMED CT Foundation Course. This course is available on the eHealth Ireland SNOMED NRC website: SNOMED CT - eHealth Ireland under the resources tab and it is also available on HSEland. Noteworthy, this is a free online course as Ireland is a member country of SNOMED International.
Here are some of the learning outcomes from this course:
- To gain awareness and knowledge of SNOMED Clinical Terminology, (CT), its benefits and how it could be used in your location and daily clinical practice.
- Understand why clinical terminology, data business and why record it electronically.
- How to explore clinical content on the SNOMED CT Browser.
- Clinical input and engagement required to lead and develop concepts, components, subsets and refsets in SNOMED CT.
- Implementation and mapping of SNOMED CT.
Read more about SNOMED CT here.