Maternal & Newborn Clinical Management System (MN-CMS) National Finalist in the recent HSE excellence Awards 2021
Finalists in the HSE Excellence Awards 2021
The Maternal & Newborn Clinical Management System National (MN-CMS) Team was delighted to be chosen as Finalist in the recent HSE excellence Awards. The award recognised the hard work of the team and in particular the work of Gwen Malone in collaboration with the laboratories and back office staff of CUMH, UHK, The Rotunda and National Maternity Hospital.
This work included the development and implementation of new electronic requests for laboratory testing of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) tests across all 4 hospitals, and is focused on the incorporation of real time electronic reporting of all SARS-CoV-2 test results from the individual hospital laboratories into MN-CMS. As part of this, Gwen has developed a customised electronic test request form to include fields for mandatory data required by the labs for statistical reporting to the HSE, CIDR, etc. She has also developed a COVID-19 order set of laboratory investigations, comprising a suite of diagnostic lab tests which is focused around disease management.
This greatly speeds up and allows for safer processes both at the patient bedside and within the lab; and allows for instant access to test results from anywhere in the hospital, from outpatient clinics, and from remote-access devices.
Standardisation across all MN-CMS hospitals and laboratories of the requests and results of SARS-CoV-2 tests streamlines and optimises workflows for clinical staff across hospitals, and allows for the prompt collation of data on both the testing status and test results of patients across multiple hospitals.
The rapidly changing nature of SARS-CoV-2 testing in response to scaling of laboratory capacity around the country, challenges with supplies and equipment, and expansion of the scope of referral testing proved challenging to reflect and maintain in an EHR setting but was achieved in a timely manner .
The presentation was made by Dr. Colm Henry, CCO, to members of the team on 22nd September adhering to strict physical distancing rules.
Find out more about Maternal & Newborn Clinical Management System