National Virtual Health Team launch Attend Anywhere
The National Virtual Health Team are providing Attend Anywhere to aid with the delivery of care during COVID-19. Attend Anywhere enables healthcare staff to offer video consultations to patients. This service is being rolled out nationwide to all HSE services, both in the community and in hospitals.
Attend Anywhere-enables healthcare staff to offer video consultations to patients
Attend Anywhere is a smart and secure gateway to online Waiting Areas. This can bring many benefits putting a focus on safety and convenience to patients/services users supporting physical distancing in addition to reduction to travel time and associated costs. Healthcare staff can now offer virtual clinic appointments as a natural part of their day-to-day operations.
To ensure an even and consistent approach to introducing Telehealth into business as usual Telehealth Leads have been nominated within CHO’s and Hospital Groups. Where a service has examined their readiness for virtual clinics including their workflow processes and hardware resources they can apply for an Attend Anywhere licence through their telehealth lead.
Information is available on the National Virtual Health Team webpage including relevant supporting documentation. This webpage also contains further supports for managers and staff. Demonstration sessions are useful to those who would like to know more about Attend Anywhere. Comprehensive online training sessions are provided regularly for all users. Further details are available here.
Healthcare staff from various teams across both Hospital and Community services have started using Attend Anywhere. These services include Speech and Language, Public Health Nursing, Physiotherapy, Mental Health and also several Hospital Outpatient Departments. Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive with staff and patients reporting the benefits of using an online option for treatments and support, particularly during COVID-19. Attend Anywhere allows for greater connectivity with patients and also supports frontline teams in CHOs and Hospital Groups across the health service.
The National Virtual Health Team has developed a 5 Things to know poster here.
For more information and resources please click here