MN-CMS Supporting Safe Care Delivery - feedback from hospitals to its’ use during the COVID -19 Crisis
In keeping with the MN-CMS ethos of ‘Patient centred, Clinically led’, the MN-CMS team in close collaboration with the four MN-CMS hospitals (CUMH, UHK, The Rotunda and NMH) and supported by CernerIrl have developed enhancements to the system to enable monitoring of actual and potential COVID-19 cases.
“MN-CMS was good for Covid and Covid was good for MN-CMS”
Dr. Michael Robson, Consultant Obstetrician/ Gynaecologist & MN-CMS Clinical Director
Some of the benefits of MN-CMS:
- Real-time electronic requesting of SARS-CoV-2 tests directly from the bedside or clinic to the lab, and reporting of all SARS-CoV-2 test results from the individual hospital labs automatically and directly into the EHR greatly speeds up and allows for safer processes both at the patient bedside and within the lab; and allows for instant access to test results from anywhere in the hospital, from outpatient clinics, and from remote-access devices.
- Dashboards give a clear visualisation of the current status within a hospital in terms of actual numbers of patients with COVID-19.
- Physical distancing was supported as the members of multi-disciplinary teams access the patients record from anywhere within the organisation or remotely to record and assess patient care and progress and can avoid any unnecessary contact with other members of staff or patients.
- MN-CMS supports safe prescribing and antimicrobial stewardship in COVID-19 cases.
- The electronic transmission of prescriptions - the prescription now reaches the pharmacy before the patient, saving queuing time, potential for transmission of pathogens on prescriptions and enabling Pharmacies to manage workflows efficiently while maintain social distancing. This development also supports novel work practices with remote outpatient clinics and prescribers working off-site.
- It also supports the rapid deployment of new functions e.g. electronic medication requests which allows ordering from areas that have Infection Prevention & Control restrictions in place to ensure the provision of safe service to patients in isolation.
“ The accessibility to patient information within the electronic record and the associated communication across the hospital and multidisciplinary team that MN-CMS affords us all is especially helpful during the current Covid pandemic as we try to reduce footfall and optimise social distancing across the healthcare team without compromising patient safety and clinical care.”
Dr Brendan Murphy, Consultant Neonatologist , MN-CMS Clinical Lead Neonatology and Clinical Risk Manager
The MN-CMS support teams at Cork University Maternity Hospital (CUMH), University Hospital Kerry (UHK), The Rotunda and The National Maternity Hospital (NMH) expressed their satisfaction with the use of MN-CMS and its’ advantages during a pandemic from a user and patient perspective
The MN-CMS clinical users at The National Maternity Hospital (NMH) expressed their satisfaction with the use of MN-CMS and its’ advantages during a pandemic from a user and patient perspective
Mary Brosnan, Director of Midwifery and Nursing (NMH)
‘Overall I think the Midwifery and Nursing team have felt that the MN-CMS enhanced patient care in the Covid scenario.’
Access to Patient Charts/information
Having this access to patient info to hand immediately, when caring for a patient with suspected or positive diagnosis of Covid was extremely useful. Access is immediate and can happen in the room or remotely. The ease of documentation of patient care was enhanced.
Reduction of Infection control risk
The need to handle paper unnecessarily was removed. Keyboards and surfaces can be cleaned easier than paper records.
Central monitoring
Access to central monitoring for labour was extremely useful to reduce the time spent in a room with a Covid 19 positive patient.
Dr Joan Fitzgerald, Consultant Haematologist (NMH)
‘I found being able to access the e-chart for consultation issues (restricting my movements, avoiding the clinical area) and also remotely from my SVUH base most helpful. It certainly improves quality and safety of patient care.’
Some highlighted advantages recognised by all sites
- MN-CMS was an excellent means in contactless handling of patient notes/records for multi-disciplinary teams – a remarkable benefit in a pandemic
- Corona virus is flagged as a problem in the system so the user is immediately alerted to same on opening the chart
- Postnatal follow up was made easy for patients as they could go home early and have follow up done via phone
- Patients are pre-screened the day before admission and the result is available to the Clinician/Occupational health/Infection control department later that day in the chart and the necessary pre-cautions taken
- Patients reported that were very happy with the new, easily and safely accessible, off-site clinics
- Auto text template for Covid screening also enhanced our documentation
- Great help in electronic lab order placing
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