MN-CMS Foundation Training Module is now available in HSeLanD
The National MN-CMS Programme is delighted to announce that the MN-CMS Foundation Training Module is now available in HSeLanD for completion by staff prior to attending classroom based training.
The Maternal and Newborn Clinical Management System (MN-CMS) has been implemented in four sites Cork University Maternity Hospital (CUMH), University Hospital Kerry (UHK), The Rotunda and the National Maternity Hospital (NMH) and all staff at these hospitals use MN-CMS to review, communicate and document patient care.
Background to the eLearning Programme Development
An intensive Instructor Led Training (ILT) programme is required by all staff prior to commencement of duty as part of the induction process and this includes a foundation module. No pre-requisite standard of ICT competence has been required before attendance at training. Discussions between the MN-CMS National Project Team Training Lead and hospital training teams revealed that much training time in the classroom was lost to basic ICT / Electronic Health Record (EHR) training as users have varied level of competencies, either entirely new to the system or have some prior knowledge of the application.
In order to improve on the training experience for users the MN-CMS National Project Team Training Lead identified the need to develop an e-Learning module to ensure users have a solid, foundation level, knowledge of the MN-CMS EHR and ICT prior to attendance at ILT sessions.
A robust business case was developed in this regard and was approved by the MN-CMS Executive Project Board. The provider HSeLanD was identified as being accessible to all HSE and Voluntary Hospital Staff, and funding was approved in line with the requirements of Circular 02/16: Arrangements for Digital and ICT-related Expenditure in the Civil and Public Service. The module was developed by the MN-CMS National Project Team Training Lead in consultation the MN-CMS National Project Team Workstream Leads for Maternity, Neonatal, Gynaecology, Order Comms, Laboratory, Medications and the MN-CMS National Back Office Team bringing expertise from all areas of the programme to ensure relevant content was included for all users
The MN-CMS foundation module eLearning programme does not replace the classroom training but ensures that users are more prepared for training. It provides a summative assessment and learners will receive a certificate on successful completion of the module, which is required prior to attendance at classroom training. This will make the time spent in the classroom more efficient and effective as teaching the complex system functionality will be more focused on end user’s specific workflows to ensure they are adequately prepared to use MN-CMS in the clinical environment and will also reduce the time spent at the ILT sessions.
The eLearning Programme
This programme is designed for multi-disciplinary (MDT) users of MN-CMS.
This eLearning module is an introduction for users to the MN-CMS EHR.
- It explains the concept of an EHR
- That a patient’s complete record is based on the MDT recording of patient care
- It addresses the importance of patient confidentiality
- The log on/ log off process
- Navigating the EHR
- User access audit for MN-CMS
- The importance of information governance
- The importance of good data quality
The learning outcomes for the module will be focused on the learner being able to successfully access, navigate and understand the basics of the system so they can be better prepared for the more detailed classroom training that will teach essential functionality and focus on the users’ specific workflows. An additional benefit to the user, on completion of this programme, is that they gain an understanding of the importance of data quality, patient confidentiality and data protection.
The programme will incorporate an instructional product simulation that will teach the learner how to use the core features of MN- CMS. At the end of the module there will be a dedicated section that allows the learner to “extend their learning” – learners will be directed to other resources to extend their learning i.e. Quick Reference Guides, Learning videos and Workbooks.
Gayle Reilly - MN-CMS National Project Team Training Lead managed the development of the MN-CMS Foundation Training Module e-Learning course in HSeLanD.