Renal Go-live Temple Street
Temple Street University Childrens Hospital latest site of deployment for KDCPMS
Temple Street University Children’s Hospital has become the latest site of deployment for Kidney Disease Clinical Patient Management System and has become the 15th site in the implementation of national Renal System EmedRenal in our acute hospitals. This is a breaking new ground for the implementation of the system as this will be the first deployment for our paediatric patients with kidney dysfunction. The roll out has enabled our colleagues in Temple Street to capture all aspects of kidney care they deliver, from first presentation right through to transition to the adult services, enabling that all clinical information related to their kidney care is documented on EmedRenal. OPD appointments for Chronic Kidney Disease and Transplant patients are all managed within the new system supported by interfaces with Patient Administration System and real time laboratory results are now available at the touch of a button. A new development was incorporated in this deployment with the creation of the functionality to transmit the patients diagnosis out of EmedRenal into the Hospital’s Patient Portal.
The seamless transition from paper based processes to digitised records could not have happened without the patience and perseverance of local implementation team that included members from Nursing, Research and IT teams. With special mention to project leads Mairead Kinlough and Tara Raftery who showed great resilience and leadership throughout the implementation. Go-live was the culmination of many months of hard work and it is great to be able to share this announcement with you.