Office of CIO hold all-staff day, March 26 2019
Office of CIO hold all-staff day in Convention Centre March 26 2019
Up to 300 members of staff from the HSE’s Office of the Chief Information Office attended an internal HSE all-staff day in Dublin’s convention centre on Tuesday, March 26.
Up to 300 people attended the all-staff day on the 26th March
Opening the event Interim Chief Information Officer Fran Thompson updated staff on key priorities for 2019. He spoke about the importance of Slaintecare and highlighted the need to put the citizen at the heart of everything we do.
Interim HSE Director General Anne O’Connor, Deputy Director General Dean Sullivan and Assistant Secretary in the Department of Health Muiris O’Connor also updated staff on key health service priorities during the day.
HSE's Director General and CIO
A number of Office of the CIO staff took part in fireside chats. In the first of these Seamus Carroll spoke to Mark Brady from Engagement Delivery, Niall Brennan from the Technology Office, Carmel Hayes from Business Operations and Pauline Biggane from the One Programme.
Fireside interview
Treasa Dempsey chaired the second fireside chat session and spoke to Alan McGrane from Access to Information, Fintan Murtagh and Ciara Buggy from the National Service Desk, Edward Harte from Enterprise Architecture and Jennifer Veale from Integrated Information Services.
Fireside Interview
In informative and engaging sessions our colleagues spoke about their priority projects, their roles, the satisfaction they get from their jobs and the challenges they face.
Chief Operating Officer Michael Redmond, Chief Technology Officer Helen Coughlan and Roisin Doherty, Access to Information and HIDs, updated staff on developments in their areas.
Q&A with senior management
Members of the senior management team took part in a Questions and Answers section with staff following a workshop.