MN-CMS Go-Live in University Hospital Kerry (UHK)
We are delighted to announce that University Hospital Kerry (UHK) is the latest site to go-live with Maternal and Newborn Clinical Management System (MN-CMS) for Gynaecology services.
UHK is also the first University Affiliated Acute General Hospital in Ireland to be using MN-CMS for Maternal, Newborn and Gynaecology services. It is now possible to document gynaecology care within the existing MN-CMS electronic record, which has been in use in UHK since March 2017. It will extend the benefits already realised in their Maternal & Newborn services in terms of patient safety, care delivery and improved patient experience.
The requirement to deploy documentation and orders functionality for Gynaecology services for the Phase 1 MN-CMS Sites was identified as part of the MN-CMS project review in 2018 and consequently, the Gynaecology project commenced in mid - 2018 with a plan to roll out to the four existing sites prior to the roll-out of MN-CMS to the remaining fifteen hospitals in Ireland. The Go Live in UHK on 1st December 2019 successfully completes this requirement.
Pictured at the time of Gynaecology electronic Go-Live in UHK with Clinical lead Dr. Mary Mc Caffrey
(Left to right): Thomas O’Dwyer, Aoife Loughran, Fiona Lawlor, Mairin McElligott, Mairead Griffin, Dr. Mary McCaffrey (Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist), Eileen Burke, Damien Duffy and Martin Sweeney.
Many congratulations to the team in UHK working with the MN-CMS team and Cerner Ireland, building on the previous successful implementations in Cork University Maternity Hospital, The Rotunda and The National Maternity Hospital to provide a comprehensive Electronic Health Record to their patients.
The benefits of the Gynaecology Electronic Chart include:
- Improved patient care as a result of better communication, clinical decision support (e.g. National Early Warning Score etc.) and more effective planning of care.
- More effective and efficient recording of information reflecting best practice
- Enhanced clinical audit and research locally as a result of better quality data.
- Informed business intelligence that will drive local and national management decisions.
- Agreed standards in documentation.
- Reduced risk associated with combined electronic and paper charts in one area.
Pictured with UHK General Manager, Fearghal Grimes, at the occasion of the handover from Early Life Support to AMS support
(Left to right): Omana Paul, Fearghal Grimes, Brian O’Sullivan, Fiona Lawlor, Mairin McElligott, Mary Foley, Aileen Murphy, Eileen Burke, Rafael Oliveira, Aoife Loughran.