Evolve Project Team (left to Right): Gearoid Diviney (Integrations Specialist), Paula Power (Evolve System Administrator), Donna Quirke (Project Support/Training), Andrew Harte (Evolve Project Manager), Chris Joyce (Project Support/Training), Avril Blade (Evolve Project Change Nurse), (not in pictures - Brian Gilligan & Aisling Jennings (eForm Developers)
Evolve Project
The Evolve system has been implemented and is currently being rolled out throughout Galway University Hospital.
- Making Clinicial information available at the point of care, allowing clinicians to provide timely and informed treatment to the patient.
- Supports concurrent secure access to the patient information 24/7 and enables multi-disciplinary working across Galway University Hospital.
The Evolve portal is available to all specialties within Galway University Hospital allowing multi-disciplinary teams access to one comprehensive view of the patients record. Having PAS, LABs, Radiology, correspondence and discharge summaries on one system is proving a big winner - which we also need to build on. Previously; getting access to this information would have been achieved by the user logging into seperate systems and taking much longer, Evolve is saving time for the clinicians and other staff. All the staff in Galway University Hospital are being trained on how to use the Evolve system.
We are currently working with the Paediatric Department and we are in the process of capturing and digitising clincial content from Inpatient and Outpatient episodes. The scanned content is then made available for viewing in Evolve.
Evolve is allowing us to work much smarter by capturing information electronically at the point of care via eForms. As part of our roll-out within Paediatrics we have introduced three eForm - Paediatric Growth Charts, Paediatric Ambulartory Care-Pathways and a Contact Form which can be used Hospital wide.
"This project has been ongoing for many years and we started working with Kainos in September 2017. A big thank you for everyone's support and in Particular the Evolve Project Team, Paediatric Implementiaton Team led by Dr. Herzig, Consultant Paediatrician and the wider Hospital Multi-Disciplinary Teams, this is a major achievement."
This is just the start as we now need to develop an 'Evolve First Policy' for any new infomation capture requirements.