
Building Connections and Embracing Change: Community Health Team Day 2025

On a foggy Tuesday morning, nestled in the Heart of Portlaoise, the Technology and Transformation Community Health Team met for the first in-person team meeting of 2025

MedLIS Elevating Standards

The MedLIS project has been progressing for a number of years and represents a forward-thinking safeguarding approach laboratory data to and supporting clinical workflows

ICT FOR PUBLIC HEALTH Modernising Outbreak and Incident Management with OCIMS

In today’s constantly evolving landscape, the ability to respond swiftly to infectious disease outbreaks and environmental hazards is critical. If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us anything, it is that ensuring Next Pandemic Readiness is paramount.

Welcoming Our First Chief Data & Analytics Officer (CDAO) and Changes in Corporate Delivery

We’re delighted to announce that Tom Laffan has been appointed as the HSE’s Chief Data & Analytics Officer (CDAO). This appointment highlights the HSE’s continued focus on making better use of health data to support patients, staff, and services.

HSE Welcomes EU Council Adoption of European Health Data Space Regulations

The HSE Technology and Transformation division is pleased to announce that the EU Council has officially adopted the Regulation on the European Health Data Space (EHDS), marking a significant milestone in advancing digital health and cross-border health data exchanges.

Planning a Career in Project Management?

Planning career progression in IT project management can be a structured and rewarding journey. For IT professionals interested in project management, building a roadmap with clear goals, acquiring key skills, and staying adaptable can make the difference between a plateaued career and one that steadily progresses.

Cyber as a Digital Enabler - the HSE approach

The Health Service Executive (HSE) is at the forefront of a transformative journey to deliver the Digital for Care 2030 strategy. Central to this vision is ensuring that our digital services are seamless, secure, and connected, empowering both patients and providers alike.

Strengthening Collaboration in Specialist Palliative Care

The Technology and Transformation Community Business Analysis (BA) team, in collaboration with Our Lady’s Hospice and Care Services and Milford Care Centre, hosted a Specialist Palliative Care (SPC) Workshop on 11th December 2024, at the Midlands Park Hotel, Portlaoise.

CARE Virtual Ward Donegal

The CARE Virtual Ward in Donegal opened for admission on November 19th 2023 and is a pioneering initiative under the Sláintecare programme, offering a 20-bedded virtual ward that brings healthcare closer to patients in their own homes.

HealthIRL: From Vision to Reality

The HealthIRL migration started out pre COVID, pre-Cyber, pre-Windows 10 as the One Programme or sometimes One UID with the purpose of creating a single digital identity for HSE staff.