Location: |
"Technology & Transformation Locations: • Dr. Steevens’ Hospital, Dublin Ospidéal Dr Steevens’, Baile Átha Cliath • Bective Street, Kells, Meath Sráid Bheigthí, Ceanannas, Co na Mí • Feehily’s Business Centre, Duck Street, Sligo Ionad Gnó Uí Fhithcheallaigh, Sráid na Lachan, Sligeach • Aras Slainte Chluainin, Manorhamilton, Leitrim Aras Slainte Chluainín, Manorhamilton, Leitrim • Áras Sláinte, Wilton Road, Cork Áras Sláinte, Bóthar Wilton, Corcaigh • Dublin Road, Lacken, Kilkenny Bóthar Bhaile Átha Cliath, Cill Chainnigh • Merlin Park Hospital, Galway Ospidéal Pháirc Mheirlinne, Gaillimh • 98 Henry Street, Limerick 98 Sráid Anraí, Luimneach • Scott Building Midlands Regional Hospital, Arden Road, Tullamore, Offaly Ospidéal Réigiúnach Lár na Tíre, Tulach Mhor, Uíbh Fhailí • Southgate Shopping Centre, Colpe Cross, Drogheda, Meath Ionad Siopadoireachta Southgate, Crois Cholpa, Droichead Átha, Co. na Mí • University Hospital Kerry, Tralee, Kerry Ospidéal Ollscoile Ciarraí, Trá Lí, Ciarraí • Hale Street, Ardee, Louth Shráid Héil, Bhaile Átha Fhirdhia, Có Lú Health Region Locations: • HSE Dublin and Midlands FSS Bhaile Átha Cliath agus Lár na Tíre • HSE Dublin and South-East FSS Bhaile Átha Cliath agus an Oirdheiscirt • HSE Dublin and North-East FSS Bhaile Átha Cliath agus an Oirthuaiscirt • HSE West and North-West FSS an Iarthair agus an Iarthuaiscirt • HSE MidWest FSS an Iarthair Láir • HSE Southwest FSS an Iardheiscirt" |
Post Specific Related Information: |
"•Significant experience working in a front-line health provider role (nurse, allied health professional, radiographer, healthcare administration etc.) or a role supporting front-line service delivery (clinical administration manager, services manager etc). • Significant experience delivering quality improvement, health informatics or other projects. " |