Executive Support
The Executive Support team facilitates the IT needs of the Senior Executive team, while also carrying our IT support nationwide, when required. Along with this support the team is responsible for new eHealth staff’s IT needs, office accommodation and the administration of the new Data Processing Agreement (DPA).
Contact: DSHMgt.Support@hse.ie
NewStaff IT:
The NewStaff IT provides IT equipment, digital identities and necessary licenses to all staff joining the eHealth team.
Contact: Newstaffit.TechnologyAndTransformation@hse.ie
Data Processing Agreement (DPA) Administration:
The DPA Administration works to identify all 3rd party vendors who have and, who need access to the HSE network. Whilst ensuring all those that have access have completed an up to date DPA, 3rd party access agreements, security questionnaires and, if necessary, any GDPR documentation which may also be required.
Contact: Accessadmin.ehealth@hse.ie
Accommodations Team:
We deal with office accommodation requests from staff nationwide. From the initial sourcing of the property, hard and soft maintenance and networking, the accommodation team works with HSE estates and aims to secure office space for new and existing staff.