
Technology and Transformation Communications vision is centered around creating effective, strategic, and impactful communication that connects with our audience and achieves the organisations goals.

Our vision is to be a dynamic and innovative communications team that is recognised for its ability to create compelling and effective communication strategies. We will engage our audience by using the latest communication technologies and tactics to deliver our message in a way that resonates with them. We are committed to producing high-quality, accurate, and timely content that reflects our organisations values and mission. Our goal is to establish our organisation as a thought leader and trusted source of information in eHealth, and to help drive its growth and success through strategic communication.

Technology and Transformation representational graphic displaying the work we do such as website maintenance, newsletter etc.

This is what we do -

  • website management.
  • Technology and Transformation Publications - monthly Technology and Transformation newsletter.
  • Social Media - recruitment, publicising events, advertising training opportunities for staff, through our social media channels.
  • Provide communications support at events.
  • Graphic Design - graphic communication through infographics, posters, leaflets, brochures, PowerPoint presentations etc.
  • Technology and Transformation Internal and HSE all-staff communications.
  • Technology and Transformation YouTube Channel - various playlists created on topics such as Health and Wellbeing, Sharing Insights, Back Stage with Technology and Transformation etc.
  • Animated Video presentations - such as how to videos, introduction to Technology and Transformation projects.
  • Artistic Representations - sketches that represent a theme or a teams ideas and presented as an infographic. 
  • Customised Visual Communication - produce and develop corporate videos, project updates, and podcasts.

You can contact us at 

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