This Document

This document sets out how we will build the new capabilities required to deliver on this mandate, and how we will organise ourselves to achieve this effectively.

This strategy sets out:

  • Key health service capability requirements, captured in initial engagement with the National Directors of the HSE, clinicians within the HSE, and local ICT management in major hospitals
  • Operational and clinical priorities from across the service that we must deliver
  • Based on these priorities, an indicative high level roadmap and milestones for the delivery of the target capabilities
  • The high level technology architecture vision that will underpin the new capabilities – describing the principles, architecture and applications necessary to support the information flows and healthcare functionality
  • The Knowledge & Information function operating model – setting how the Knowledge & Information functions needs to build on current strengths and evolve in order to be positioned to successfully deliver the technology enablement.


The implementation of this strategy will require substantial investment, building on investments already made. The estimate for this investment will be developed as the next phase of work.

A glossary of key terms is provided in the final section of this document